Aya Nakamura, disinformation and new horizon in our satirical echoes

Aya Nakamura, disinformation and new horizon in our satirical echoes
Aya Nakamura, disinformation and new horizon in our satirical echoes

She makes their heads spin

Thursday May 30, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Edith-Piaf school in Bretagne-de-Marsan, elected officials took the microphone – not to sing, we were lucky – but to express themselves, each in turn, on this event.

The opportunity, for the president of the Mons urban area, to link the destiny of this world-famous artist to Aya Nakamura. Another singer who is said to be just as famous and who could cover a song by La Môme at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games.

“You could have called your school, Aya Nakamura School. I like it too, huh. But the problem is that she never lived in Brittany,” squeaked Charles Dayot in reference to the controversy surrounding this supposed participation. An allusion which did not seem to satisfy Senator Monique Lubin who rolled her eyes at the same time. We were on the verge of singing: “Blah blah blah d’la pookie!” »

The art of glue

A lot of people were hanging around, Saturday 1er June, near the arenas. It must be said that it was the place to be, since approximately 12,000 people gathered there, both inside and on the esplanade, to attend one of the sporting events of the year: the finals of the Coupe des Landes basketball.

Too bad, the electoral signs placed not far from this rally had their backs to the public… except for this poster paster of the presidential majority who had the clever idea – let us note – of sticking up a poster of his candidate, Valérie Hayer , on the back of the panels. Eating duck hearts under Valérie’s gaze is priceless! From there to saying that this will play on the unconscious at the time of the vote, there is a step that we will not take…

RPR? Forever!

Elected mayor of Dax and president of the Greater Dax agglomeration community thanks to a union of the right and the center, support of the candidate of the presidential majority – Lionel Causse – during the last legislative elections of June 2022, Julien Dubois seems to grant his favors to the Republicans for the European elections this Sunday, June 9.


After tearing up his activist card in 2017, Julien Dubois made a notable return to the local section, during an event organized at the end of May to promote François-Xavier Bellamy’s list. Young RPR from Chirac’s time, RPR forever? Still, the horizon seems to be leaning to the right for Julien Dubois, departmental delegate of the movement formed around Édouard Philippe to prepare for the 2027 presidential election… And for the municipal elections the year before?

The Landes of Holland

François Hollande may no longer necessarily be in the odor of sanctity in the Socialist Party, nor even with Raphaël Glucksmann and his list constructed for these European elections, the Landes socialists with their busy schedules and businesses found the time to have lunch with the former President of the Republic and first secretary of the PS, in Labenne, Friday May 31.

For some, it was even THE meal to be at, like François Mitterrand’s tables previously organized in Latche in order to take the pulse of his supporters. Talking politics at the table therefore appears to be a real culture at the PS, always ready to tear up over dessert before managing to make a summary at coffee.

Such is taken…

Disinformation exists even ultra-locally. Illustration: a publication appeared at the beginning of the week in the Facebook group “Dax ma ville et moi” (followed by 18,000 members!), reporting that Jean-Luc Mélenchon was coming to Dax on Thursday June 13 at Estrabuc.

Information taken: an LFI representative assures that he would be informed if there was any movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. In reality, on this date and in the same place, a debate was held jointly organized by the municipal opposition Dax to survey residents on the redevelopment project for Place Camille-Bouvet, chosen by the majority. Moral of the story: the contributor to the Facebook group has just shed light on this meeting organized by the opposition. Not sure that was his original intention…

Tip the scales?

Before Sunday’s European elections, Céline Piot, in 36e position on the list of the communist Léon Deffontaines, released a list of Landes supporters. There we find some well-known and lesser-known names from the left of the left, such as Pierrette Fontenas, Jean-Marc Lespade (former mayors of Tarnos) or even the Baché brothers (Alain and Jean-Guy, the first regional councilor and boss of the PCF 40; the second mayor of Bougue).

We also see, at the top of the list, the presence of the philosopher, specialist in secularism, Henri Peña-Ruiz. We doubt that it will tip the scales on Sunday evening, if we judge by the latest polls, but on a CV, it is effective.



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