BMX, the track of stars

BMX, the track of stars
BMX, the track of stars

The new bicross track will be completed on June 7. An important investment for the town and the club which is preparing to celebrate its 40th anniversary with fanfare.

“It’s already a good level track, it’s technical”. The remark comes from two professionals who today are completing the new bicross track, or BMX depending on the generation to which you belong, at the Slo BMX in Bettancourt-la-Ferrée. This sport imported from the USA came to establish itself in the North Haute-Marne in 1984. It will therefore celebrate its 40th anniversary on August 31 with a vast program which is beginning to be revealed. In the meantime, what’s grabbing attention is his new track. In fact, the work began in February and is about to be completed this week. On June 7 everything will be completed and we will be able to do the first laps on the track on Saturday June 15.

“This will be the only approved track in Haute-Marne”

This project is supported by the municipality and represents a significant investment for the community. Everyone (municipality, region, department, state, European funds) put their hand in the wallet equally for an amount of 800,000 euros. “The track was no longer up to standard, it will be the only approved track in Haute-Marne”, announces club president Yannick Laurent. And for good reason, the start will be at a height of five meters instead of three on a surface which has almost doubled from 4,500 m2 at 8,000 m2. Enough to delight the club’s 88 or so members.

BMX option in high school

“The lines are widened, the bend is coated… there are only two tracks like this in the Grand Est”, continues the volunteer. The club has come a long way. Everything almost stopped but for two years he has been


Complete article to be found in our June 7, 2024 edition or on our online store!



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