Ariège? Landes? Hautes-Pyrénées…? Where is rugby played the most in France? A study gives the answer

Ariège? Landes? Hautes-Pyrénées…? Where is rugby played the most in France? A study gives the answer
Ariège? Landes? Hautes-Pyrénées…? Where is rugby played the most in France? A study gives the answer

the essential
Smappen, a geo-marketing specialist, has revealed the ranking of the French departments where rugby and football are most played.

Which French department is where rugby is played the most? This Thursday, Smappen, specialist in geo-marketing, unveiled a study listing the concentrations of licensees in each territory, based in particular on data from INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies), and the INJEP (National Institute of Youth and Popular Education).

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Unsurprisingly, the South-West takes the lion’s share, and Occitanie is particularly well represented with three departments in the top 5. At the top, we find Gers which, with 27.3 licensees per 1000 inhabitants, is ahead of largely the Hautes-Pyrénées, which has 23.3 licensees per 1000 inhabitants. Next come Landes (21.5 licensees/1000 inhabitants), Pyrénées-Atlantiques (21 licensees/1000 inhabitants) then Ariège (20.6 licensees/1000 inhabitants). Haute-Garonne comes in 14th position, behind notably Lot (7th), Lot-et-Garonne (8th), Tarn-et-Garonne (10th), Tarn (11th) and Aude ( 12th).

Smappen also specifies that rugby is the 9th most practiced Olympic sport in France with 5.2 licensees per 1000 inhabitants, far behind football which has 31.7 licensees per 1000 inhabitants.



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