Implementation of housing strategy lacks transparency, says NB AG

The Auditor General of New Brunswick, Paul Martin, tabled a report in the Legislative Assembly in which he highlights the province’s lack of transparency in the implementation of its housing strategy.

The Minister of Social Development Jill Green unveiled in June 2023 the New Brunswick Housing Strategy : Housing for allto tackle the housing crisis hitting the province.


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Jill Green, New Brunswick Minister of Social Development.

Photo: (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

A year later, Paul Martin maintains that key elements are missing from said strategy, such as the timetable for its implementation, its completion and the precise costs of certain projects.

The three-year strategy, which includes a budget of $551 million, plans, among other things, to accelerate housing starts with the construction of 6,000 new housing units per year and to reduce the housing waiting list by 3,000 households. subsidized.

It also indicated that assistance would be offered to train and attract more specialized workers in the field of residential construction, with the aim of increasing the number of specialized trades in residential construction by 7%.

The housing strategy also promised to % and the percentage change in average house price at 4.8%”,”text”:”create the conditions necessary to maintain annual rent increases at an average of 2.5% and the percentage change in average house price at 4.8%”}}”>create the conditions necessary to keep annual rent increases at an average of 2.5% and the percentage change in average house price at 4.8%

50% of measurements [dans la stratégie] do not involve any cost to the government.

A quote from Paul Martin

000people in priority trades, with the aim of encouraging immigration to New Brunswick, does not involve any program costs or any housing solutions for immigrants included in the strategy”,”text”:”For example, the measure consisting to recruit or pre-qualify 10,000 people in priority trades, with the aim of promoting immigration to New Brunswick, does not involve any program costs or any housing solutions for immigrants included in the strategy”}}”>For example, the measure consisting of recruiting or pre-qualifying 10,000 people in priority trades, with the aim of encouraging immigration to New Brunswick, does not involve any program costs or any housing solutions for immigrants included in the strategy.specifies Paul Martin.

More transparency, surveillance and follow-ups

In his report, Paul Martin confirms that the Housing Corporation has established concrete targets and measures to address the housing crisis, but must make clearer the existing links between its actions and its objectives.

It also recommends more transparency, monitoring and reporting on progress.


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Paul Martin, Auditor General of New Brunswick.

Photo: (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

In terms of transparency, Paul Martin specifies that the majority of actions are measurable, have been assigned to executives and have identified sources of funding.

However, 16 of the 22 measures have no project timeline. In addition, eleven of the 22 measures do not have a specific overall cost for the province.

Recommendations taken “very seriously”

Jill Green, the minister responsible for New Brunswick housing, touted the progress made by the department over the past eleven months.

At the same time, she accepted the Auditor General’s criticisms regarding transparency and informing the public about progress.

We are about to launch the first year review of the housing strategysaid Jill Green. We will take its recommendations very seriously and implement themshe clarified.

The auditor general’s report tabled Tuesday also includes audits of contracts with private nursing agencies, school transportation and the Mental Health Trust Fund.

According to the report ofAidan Cox, CBC



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