new itineraries for sustainable tourism – Le Petit Journal

The Department renews its partnership with the Haute-Garonne Departmental Hiking Committee Credits: Loîc Bel/Haute-Garonne

The Haute-Garonne Department continues to invest in the promotion of hiking by renewing its partnership with the Haute-Garonne Departmental Hiking Committee. On Thursday, May 30, during the Standing Committee, departmental elected officials approved the continuation of this strategic partnership.This ambitious partnership includes several large-scale projects aimed at improving hiking infrastructure in the department. Among the initiatives, we note: the continued revitalization of the GR®86 from Toulouse to Bagnères-de-Luchon. But also, the improvement and revision of the markings on the 170 km of the GR®861 Via Garona, which connects the sites of Santiago de Compostela between Toulouse (Saint-Sernin Basilica) and Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (Cathedral Sainte Marie). And the rehabilitation of the initial Conques-Toulouse route (GR®46) between Verfeil and Saint-Pierre and the revision of the markings over the 55 km.
Four new routes in the Departmental PlanDuring this same session, four new routes were added to the Departmental Plan for Walking and Hiking Routes (PDIPR):
Tour of Lake Savres : This 5.148 km route crosses the communes of Savres and Lautignac, offering a beautiful walk around the lake.
The Bouscassié wood : Located in Seilh, this 4.514 km route allows an immersion in local nature.
The Jefferson Loop: A 5.452 km trail in Revel, ideal for discovering the surrounding landscapes. The Nature Trail : With its 7,431 km in Martres-Tolosane, this route offers an enriching hiking experience.
A commitment to responsible tourismThe development of these hiking trails is part of the Departmental Council’s vision to promote sustainable tourism in Haute-Garonne. More than 2,000 km of hiking and cycling routes have already been developed, including famous routes such as the Via Garona, the Pyrenean Piedmont Véloroute and the Canal des Deux Mers by bike. “Hiking trails are another way to discover the natural and heritage riches of Haute-Garonne and contribute to making our department a pioneering territory in terms of soft mobility., declared Sébastien Vincini. The renewal of this partnership and the addition of new routes demonstrate Haute-Garonne’s ongoing commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism development.

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