Work unit for the implementation of student housing

Work unit for the implementation of student housing
Work unit for the implementation of student housing

Going to university Laval on the occasion of a training day on housing bringing together student associations from across Quebec, UTILE unveils the ÉCLAIR Québec survey, a survey conducted among more than 2,500 students in Quebec City which reveals that the average rent paid by the student population increased by 20% between 2021 and 2023.

In 2021, a student household in Quebec paid on average $875 for a two-bedroom accommodation. In winter 2024, this amount has now crossed the $1000 mark to stand at $1053. The UTILE survey also reveals that 61% of college and university student tenants have an annual income less than or equal to $20,000 per year.

UTILE’s director of public affairs, Élise Tanguay, is concerned about this rapid increase in housing costs for the student population. “The student population has limited incomes, which are not increasing at the same rate as rents. This means that more and more young people are having to modify their study plans, or even abandon them, because they cannot find suitable accommodation near the educational institution of their choice, underlines Ms. Tanguay.

“The City of Quebec works with various partners including L’Utile to promote access to housing in Quebec. We are deploying a strategy focused on different elements in order to accelerate the construction of housing of all types, including housing for students.” indicates in turn Marie-Pierre Bouchermunicipal councilor for the Louis-XIV district and responsible for Housing on the executive council of the City of Quebec. Ms. Boucher was present Saturday morning to discuss with members of student associations the role of municipalities in resolving the housing crisis

In order to meet the significant residential demand of the student population of Quebec City, UTILE advocates an increase in the supply of non-profit housing adapted to the specific needs of this population in the neighborhoods surrounding the institutions of ‘education. UTILE also recently announced that it had acquired the site of the former clinic Jeffery Haleon the road Sainte-Foywith the aim of soon building a building of 234 affordable apartments for the student population.

UTILE has also been operating since the start of the 2023 school yearSlatea building of 204 student apartments facing the University campus Laval.




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