Rain, frost, diseases: in the absence of grapes, Cantal wine should be good this year

Rain, frost, diseases: in the absence of grapes, Cantal wine should be good this year
Rain, frost, diseases: in the absence of grapes, Cantal wine should be good this year
The terrible rainy month of May this year should make it possible to produce a good vintage of Cantal wines made by amateurs.

With only two days of sunshine between April 13 and May 31, Cantal was not spared. It rained every other day and the harvests were severely impacted. If the results may seem disastrous, it nevertheless remains positive for a single crop: the vine. Indeed, during fruit setting (formation of bunches of grapes), humidity annihilated the growth of each fruit to the point of completely causing them to mold and destroy them. As a result, no bunch of grapes will be cultivable this year. This should therefore guarantee a 2024 vintage without grapes and therefore without wine, the assurance of a successful and for once quality finished product.

Interesting vacuum aromas

Absolutely no drop of wine should appear in the bottles of amateur estates. Oenologists already believe that the tastings will be promising. “There will be absolutely nothing in the glass. So we can expect some interesting vacuum aromas, I’m sure it will be excellent! », explains oenologist Eric Boissenot. “There will undoubtedly be less rasp, vegetal notes or acidic and vinegary notes, that’s definitely a plus,” he continues. With such praise, the bottles, released around November, should be snapped up…



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