Soon a new room for hunters

Soon a new room for hunters
Soon a new room for hunters

The general meeting of the hunting society (43 members), which was held on Sunday May 26, began with a minute of silence, in memory of Roger Pinson and Casimir Krawczyk, who died during the year.

Then the president, Alain Zoldan, explained: “After meeting with the town hall, there is finally hope of having our room and a piece of land to take care of the game taken. Now it remains to be seen with the architect for the plans, which will be made according to our needs. The Capespine house, purchased by the town hall, would do very well after some work, which the hunters are ready to do. We would have a meeting room, a kitchen… This house, located on the walkway, is not in the city center, which would be perfect. »

This year, the company carried out releases (200 pheasants and 90 partridges) and 20 hunts were organized: 14 for wild boars, with a harvest of 62 animals, and six for deer, with 40 animals harvested.

The financial report is positive, despite the veterinary costs (1,500 euros), covered by the company for dogs injured by wild boars.

On the right, the president, Alain Zoldan, with the treasurer, Claude Touron.


The president nevertheless highlighted a problem: “During demonstrations, volunteers are absent. It’s always the same people who come during the butchering, to skin and cut the game after the hunts… Even for the lottery we don’t see the hunters, either during the preparation or coming to play. It’s sad and discouraging. This leads to a reduction in income, therefore fewer releases. »

The office: president, Alain Zoldan; vice-president, Cyril Laurent; secretary, Sylvie Lebrère; treasurer, Claude Touron; communications manager, Bernard Brégier.



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