the deputy for Charente-Maritime Raphaël Gérard denounces the attitude of the Republicans towards Ceta

the deputy for Charente-Maritime Raphaël Gérard denounces the attitude of the Republicans towards Ceta
the deputy for Charente-Maritime Raphaël Gérard denounces the attitude of the Republicans towards Ceta

In a press release dated May 30, the deputy for the fourth constituency of Charente-Maritime, Raphaël Gérard, denounces “the political opposition »…

In a press release dated May 30, the deputy for the fourth constituency of Charente-Maritime, Raphaël Gérard, denounces the “political opposition” of the Les Républicains deputies who, after the Senate, voted in favor of a challenge of Ceta (bilateral free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada). “This position taken by the Republicans against Ceta is incomprehensible. They are playing petty politics on the backs of our farmers with the sole aim of opposing the government. What economic positions do they share with Nupes? “.

For the member of the presidential majority, Ceta “is an agreement which is both protective of our interests and beneficial for employment, growth and France’s foreign trade”. He recalls that imports of French wines and spirits into Canada increased from 424 million in 2016 to 691 million euros in 2022. The first months of 2024 would also show a resumption of shipments in volume (+3%), particularly for still wines (+5%).

“Rejecting Ceta is bad for our wine growers, it’s bad for our local economy, it’s taking the risk of adding difficulties to a sector which is already suffering due to the economic situation. In the region, nearly 70,000 jobs depend on the good health of the sector. This is a contradiction for our department of Charente-Maritime. […] This endangers the interests of Haute Saintonge wine growers.”




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