Cressensac-Sarrazac. We celebrated the games well

Cressensac-Sarrazac. We celebrated the games well
Cressensac-Sarrazac. We celebrated the games well

This Saturday, May 25, it was the festival of games all over the world and in particular in the town of Cressensac-Sarrazac, on the Place du Foirail at Hôpital-St-Jean! From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., residents of the town and surrounding villages were invited to participate in this 2nd edition organized by the Rionet associative social center, as part of its entertainment program. Around twenty volunteers got involved dynamically around the host Camille Mangot. More than a hundred residents gathered in the open air and under the gentle sunshine around numerous games, some of which were made by the children of the leisure center, by the volunteers of the association, even by the residents. came to promote it…

The large wooden games had been borrowed from the toy library at the Biars social center. The association had also invited the mediators from the territorial prevention support team (Etap) of Gourdon, who were able, thanks to the games, to raise public awareness of various issues of health, diversity, or food…

The party lasted all day; the team had installed tables and checkered tablecloths in the courtyard of the old public school to accommodate a pop-up bar as well as a Spanish inn in the form of a shared picnic. The association of friends of the Moulin d’Antoine was also at work at the Moulin. Visitors to the games festival were therefore able to take the opportunity to discover how walnut oil is made. The meeting ended around 5 p.m., with the last players helping to pack up. See you for the next board game event on June 7 at Quatre-Routes du Lot.




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