The Sponsor of the COMMERCE Prize

For 20 years, the Septuors ceremony has crowned innovative, deserving and socially committed companies in Occitania. Available in the territories, it returns for a new edition in Haute-Garonne, the Wednesday June 5 for an awards evening at the Bikini in Ramonville-Saint-Agne (from 6:30 p.m.), and will reward 8 local companies selected by a jury of influential actors from Haute-Garonne.

A new formula with new media visibility was validated this year, to further promote the region and its great businesses.

This year, the trophy presentation will take place at the heart of an illusionist show Rémi Larrousse.

If you would like to participate in the evening, you can register via the link below:

The Partner: ATALIAN
Interview with Ludovic Vermorel, South-West sales director

Ludovic Vermorel – Atalian
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What kind of local actor is ATALIAN today in Haute-Garonne?

A key player in the service professions of the region and department, ATALIAN has been strongly integrated into the local economic fabric for many years.

We are a leading player in the cleanliness of professions in industry, the food industry, mass distribution and aeronautics.

What actions are you taking with businesses in Haute-Garonne, your customers… or what new organizations are you relying on?

In Haute-Garonne, we have 3 agencies which employ 1,400 employees who work on our clients’ sites every day. In terms of actions, I would like to underline our presence in weak times: when everything is going well, we are of course the player that we have described, but the strength of the partnerships that we experience with our clients is their depth in time: we are here to support them in the weak times of their professions, this was the case of aeronautics, distribution today and of all of our customers during the Covid during which we were a exemplary and committed partner. It cost us a lot, but the meaning of the word partnership was strengthened.

What meaning does this “Commerce” prize that you are going to present have for you?

Commerce is the pulse of a region, each company that makes it up boosts its overall dynamism and gives it the influence that we know today for Haute-Garonne. This is the whole meaning of this prize that we are awarding today but also of the deep partnership that we have had with the Dépôte du Midi group for many years.



PREV a big party planned for July 6 for the inauguration of the long-awaited future Simone-Veil bridge
NEXT who will succeed Lotte and Remco?