Nicolas Sarkozy in Aurillac to celebrate Pompidou: Cantal is “eternal France”

Nicolas Sarkozy in Aurillac to celebrate Pompidou: Cantal is “eternal France”
Nicolas Sarkozy in Aurillac to celebrate Pompidou: Cantal is “eternal France”

He remains the last president in office to have traveled to Cantal. It was in 2011 in Montboudif, the birthplace of Georges Pompidou. Thirteen years later, this Friday May 24 in Aurillac, Nicolas Sarkozy returned to pay tribute to the man who succeeded in “succeeding General de Gaulle”.

“Georges Pompidou, I admire him and I love him. » In Aurillac, Friday May 24, to close a conference organized on the occasion of the 50? anniversary of the death of the native president of Cantal, Nicolas Sarkozy claimed the Pompidolian heritage.

Right, left: why do all politicians recognize themselves in Georges Pompidou, 50 years after his death?

“In my presidency, I was inspired by the sentimental incarnation of Georges Pompidou. » He then mentions the Markovic affair, during which his wife, Claude Pompidou, “had been basely attacked”, faced with slander from all of Paris. “What I liked was his strength in agreeing to show when he was suffering,” says Nicolas Sarkozy. And in his popularity today, there is much of his ability to embody a presidency of the human Republic. His wife was the heart of his life. »

“He loved his wife. In all the films where we see Georges Pompidou, you have to see how he looks at her, how he asks for her agreement, how he asks for her opinion. I liked this way of being. And when personal events happened to me, I always said to myself: the most important thing is to be true. True when we suffer, true when we are happy. »

Nicolas Sarkozy (Former President of the Republic)

Its presidential couple remains, its little bling-bling side too. “I like that he had the idea of ​​arriving in a Porsche at Matignon,” laughs Nicolas Sarkozy, nice watch on his wrist. “I love that he admitted to loving Saint-Tropez and Montboudif! As a complement, not as an opposition…”

“Political intelligence” of the successor

Inimitable, the Pompidou style adorns “the political intelligence of the successor of General de Gaulle, who from the start said “I am not him; I will not preside like him””, underlines Nicolas Sarkozy, very impressed by “the strength it takes to say: “I do not measure myself against the giants of History; I exist in my own way, according to my own codes.”

“Stop annoying the French”, continues Laurent Wauquiez in Aurillac, where Georges Pompidou is celebrated

What trace does he leave for ordinary mortals? “Beaubourg”, according to a nostalgic Nicolas Sarkozy. ” You imagine ? The President of the Republic who imposes Beaubourg in four years, in the heart of Paris? Today he is treated worse than Putin! “Made of the king”, “dictator”… “What are you doing dear friend?” The orange-backed toads with little pink polka dots, the biodiversity on the Beaubourg plateau and you see standing in your way, instantly, all those who have understood nothing about progress, about the interest of humanity. And who would like to sterilize everything and stop everything. »

These “gentlemen” of “eternal France”

Giscard d’Estaing “had the Musée d’Orsay”, Mitterrand “the pyramid of Pei” at the Louvre, Chirac “the museum of primitive arts”, inventories Nicolas Sarkozy. His “vision” is Greater Paris. “When I wanted to, I was attacked from all sides… and I remembered this unwavering desire to break the codes. »

Georges Pompidou conference in Aurillac: a vision in the “golden age” of the Trente Glorieuses

The last president in office to travel to Cantal, in 2011, to Montboudif, already to commemorate Georges Pompidou (on the 100th anniversary of his birth) and his “roots”, Nicolas Sarkozy remembers it as if it were yesterday . “It’s great here, it’s France! Because cows, they look like cows; meadows to meadows; gentlemen to gentlemen… That’s eternal France! »

Romain Blanc



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