Rain at the start and end of the week, three days of sunshine… The weather in -Pas-de-

Rain at the start and end of the week, three days of sunshine… The weather in -Pas-de-
Rain at the start and end of the week, three days of sunshine… The weather in Nord-Pas-de-Calais


Margot Nicodème

Published on

Oct. 21 2024 at 6:24 am

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This is the recurring question, when you have a little time for yourself like during these All Saints’ Day holidays: what is the forecasted weather ? The editorial team is responsible for consulting the forecasts and providing you with a summary, for the and Pas-de-. This week of October 21 promises to be generally pleasant, although with a not very pleasant beginning and end. The point.

Weather in Nord-Pas-de-Calais: three days of clearing preceded and followed by rain

It’s full of grimaces, this Monday, October 21, in the continuity of what Sunday was. It’s rain for everyoneand all day long, with temperatures not exceeding 15°C. Felt: less than this, due to precipitation. But there will be better.

These are beautiful clearings which will dominate the region’s skies from Tuesday October 22, and according to Météo , the sun should remain at least until Thursday. In any case, the weather will be dry, which will allow you to enjoy the mild autumn weather: 16°C on average Tuesday, 15°C Wednesday, 17°C Thursday… before the arrival of a new disturbance on Friday.

As for Monday, the rain will continue to water the entire region. The weekend promises to be gloomy, with alternating precipitation and clearings.

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