the president of the Departmental Council of Haute- puts the prefecture and gendarmerie up for sale on the Internet to “sound the alarm”

Nicolas Lacroix denounces “unfair and brutal” cuts in the savings requested from departments in the 2025 finance bill. “All French people must make efforts, the most modest too,” he believes.

Published on 21/10/2024 08:05

Updated on 21/10/2024 08:15

Reading time: 2min

Nicolas Lacroix, president of the Republicans of the Departmental Council of Haute-Marne, August 26, 2022. (MICHAEL DESPREZ / MAXPPP)
Nicolas Lacroix, president of the Republicans of the Departmental Council of Haute-, August 26, 2022. (MICHAEL DESPREZ / MAXPPP)

“The cuts announced in the finance bill are direct, unfair and brutal,” denounces Monday October 21 on franceinfo Nicolas Lacroix, president of the Republicans of the Departmental Council of Haute-Marne. To raise awareness on the subject, the elected official will put the prefecture, the courthouse and around ten gendarmes in his department up for sale on the Leboncoin website.

“I wanted to make a strong announcement. It was really to alert the French and take them to task a little bit. I wanted to sound the alarm”he explains, as the National Assembly begins on Monday the examination of the 2025 budget, which provides for a reduction in the deficit of 60 billion euros. Five billion euros in savings are requested from communities and 2.2 billion from departments.

Nicolas Lacroix assures that he wishes “the success of Michel Barnier’s government”. The local elected official ensures that the departments “are willing to make an effort” but ask “to review these levies which are untenable”according to him. “We have more than 20 departments in great difficulty. With these announcements, there are more than 60 departments which will not be able, for some, to complete the 2024 budget and which cannot plan for 2025”he assures.

According to him, the departments will no longer be able to financially help municipalities, associations and make a certain number of investments in the field of health in particular. “The community of human solidarity”as it defines itself, will no longer be able to pay social benefits to people with disabilities and the elderly.

“The departments will simply stop paying. This is unprecedented.”

Nicolas Lacroix, LR president of the Haute-Marne Departmental Council.

at franceinfo

The elected official asks that all French people make an effort. He proposes “the freezing of individual solidarity allowances”. “All French people must make efforts, the richest, but also the most modest” according to their means. The departments pay three individual solidarity allowances: the disability compensation benefit (PCH), the personalized autonomy allowance (APA) and the active solidarity income (RSA).



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