Édouard Philippe traveling in Ille-et-Vilaine

The former Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, is coming to Ille-et-Vilaine on Tuesday May 28 and Wednesday May 29, 2024. He will be in Vitré on Tuesday for a public meeting as part of the European elections. And on Wednesday he will participate in a meeting with local elected officials in Cesson-Sévigné and will visit a company in Fougères.

Edouard Philippe during a public meeting in Saint-Berthevin (Mayenne), Wednesday February 14, 2024. | VINCENT MICHEL / WEST-FRANCE

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  • Edouard Philippe during a public meeting in Saint-Berthevin (Mayenne), Wednesday February 14, 2024. | VINCENT MICHEL / WEST-FRANCE

Édouard Philippe is traveling to Ille-et-Vilaine on Tuesday May 28 and Wednesday May 29, 2024. As part of the European elections, the president of the Horizons party will participate in a public meeting on Tuesday at the Vitré cultural center at 6:30 p.m. former Prime Minister is part of the majority list, led by Valérie Hayer.

And the next day, direction Cesson-Sévigné where he will participate in a meeting with the elected officials of the region. He could also take a detour to Fougères, to visit the Zeiss company, specializing in the manufacture of spectacle lenses.



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