Dordogne. Popular enthusiasm for the passing of the Olympic flame


Théophile Mercier

Published on

May 23, 2024 at 10:22 a.m.

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Follow Succeeding in Périgord

It is 6:05 p.m. this Wednesday, May 22 in Périgueux and the Olympic flame relay sets off from the military school for the last Périgord stage of the day. Previously, this relay crossed Saint-Aulaye-Puymangou, Sarlat-la-Canéda, Nontron, Montignac, Agonac.

This passing of the flame is accompanied by an advertising caravan worthy of the Tour de France. Goodies are distributed to passers-by before the procession. A procession protected by an impressive security system.

Several athletes and personalities followed one another throughout the city to the Allée Tourny parking lots, the place where the cauldron was lit.

Despite the rain, the torchbearers were smiling and we did everything to set the mood like Yoann Kowal (©TM/Reussir le Périgord)
Well-known names from Périgord had the chance to carry the flame like Manon Hostens who passed the baton on the Pont des Barris to Yoann Kowal. (©TM/Reussir le Périgord)
The rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Périgord residents who came in large numbers to admire the lighting of the cauldron.
The rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Périgord residents who came in large numbers to admire the lighting of the cauldron. (©TM/Reussir le Périgord)
Around 7:30 p.m., Thomas Chinour enters the arena and lights the cauldron for the high point of the Périgord stage.
Around 7:30 p.m., Thomas Chinour enters the arena and lights the cauldron for the high point of the Périgord stage. (©TM/Reussir le Périgord)

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