three days of trial in Eure

three days of trial in Eure
three days of trial in Eure

From Thursday May 23 to Wednesday May 29, 2024, three accused appear for murder, two men and a woman. On the night of April 27 to 28, 2021, the charred body of a 27-year-old woman was found in the forest of Brétigny (Eure). She was allegedly murdered by her partner’s former girlfriend.

Two men and a woman appear before the Assize Court, in Évreux (Eure), from Thursday May 23 to 29, 2024, for murder. The victim, aged 27 at the time of the incident, was found charred in his burned car.

An employee of a farm in Brionne, she was allegedly murdered by the former girlfriend of her companion, just as young, aged 26.

Out of morbid jealousy, the alleged instigator from Eure would have enlisted the help of a former companionalready convicted of violence and sexual assault, and an acquaintance of his own. Two men (26 and 38 years old) from Calvados.

This same trio is accused of having set up a real ambush for the victim. They killed her before moving her body, transporting it by car and burning it in a wood, at 11:30 p.m. on April 27, 2021.

During her hearing, investigators noted that the former girlfriend of the deceased woman’s companion had consulted several evocative websites on her cell phone. This research included techniques to paralyze an individual and the type of acid used to destroy a body.

During her press conference in April 2021, the public prosecutor of Évreux, Dominique Puechmaille, explained that the victim had been ambushed. She was lured to the instigator’s house. When he arrives, the two men are hidden in the bathroom. One of them hits her with a stick. Then, he strangles him with a strap while the two other individuals hold the victim.”

For these facts, the three arrested, all of whom are presumed co-perpetrators of the acts, risk life imprisonment. The prosecutor had requested placement in pre-trial detention, while they will appear before the Évreux Assize Court from this Thursday, May 23.



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