The Vatican does not open criminal proceedings against Swiss bishops

The Vatican does not open criminal proceedings against Swiss bishops
The Vatican does not open criminal proceedings against Swiss bishops

The Vatican has decided: no canonical criminal investigation against Swiss bishops suspected of sexual abuse. After reviewing the results of the preliminary investigation, he concluded that there was no evidence of crimes or cover-ups to justify such a procedure. However, “negligence” was noted, and three bishops, namely Charles Morerod, Jean-Marie Lovey and Jean Scarcella, received reprimands in the form of personal letters.

In his letter addressed to Mgr Charles Morerod, Cardinal Robert Francis Prevost first emphasizes that the bishop concealed nothing in the management of abuse cases, affirming that the report shows no omission or malice on his part. However, Bishop Morerod is criticized for not having followed canonical procedures to the letter, preferring to give priority to state justice, which he fully assumes. The cardinal also criticizes him for a certain naivety in the selection of candidates for ecclesiastical positions, due to lack of sufficient verification. Despite these criticisms, Bishop Morerod is known for his closeness to the victims and his attentive support towards them.




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