Transfers of migrants to third countries: “an idea that cannot be transposed” in , assures Michel Barnier

Transfers of migrants to third countries: “an idea that cannot be transposed” in , assures Michel Barnier
Transfers of migrants to third countries: “an idea that cannot be transposed” in France, assures Michel Barnier

Italy has set up a system to outsource its asylum requests to a third country, in this case Albania.

This example is “not transposable” into French law, said Michel Barnier this Friday.

A mechanism that cannot be reproduced in ? Under a bilateral agreement, Italy has started transferring migrants to Albania. On Wednesday, around ten men from Egypt and Bangladesh were taken to this Balkan country, where they must await the outcome of their asylum application. While some right-wing and far-right elected officials are pushing to establish a similar system in France, Michel Barnier has deemed it incompatible with our legislation. “I don’t believe that this idea can be transposed to France,” judges the Prime Minister, during a trip to the Franco-Italian border.

The head of government nevertheless wishes to put in place an intermediate solution. “We are going to cooperate even more with transit countries or departure countries. This is what Italy is doing with the support of the European Union, with Libya or with Tunisia, and we are going to cooperate with these countries”he announced.

Note that, this Friday, the judges of the migration affairs section of the Rome court invalidated the establishment of this system in the boot. “It is impossible to repatriate those who enter illegally, it is forbidden to repatriate illegal immigrants. They would like to abolish Italy’s borders, we will not allow it”protested Fratelli d’Italia, the political party of current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

MG with AFP




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