the controversy surrounding the Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle school group invites itself to the Departmental Council

the controversy surrounding the Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle school group invites itself to the Departmental Council
the controversy surrounding the Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle school group invites itself to the Departmental Council

Friday, October 18, departmental elected officials gathered in the Henri-Lavielle room, in particular to vote on the allocations allocated to Landes colleges, both public and private. But it was not the attribution itself that caused debate (read elsewhere), but a current point, addressed by President Xavier Fortinon.

“You are not without knowing what happened recently at the Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle middle and high school,” he began, referring to the cancellation of the participation of Dacquois high school students in a theatrical performance “certainly adapted, but by Shakespeare, who is not the most subversive author we know”.

“They were unable to attend because the message conveyed on gender and sexuality ‘was not adapted to the educational and pastoral project’. So, I judge that when an educational establishment receives public money, its educational project cannot be pastoral and lead to censorship,” continued the socialist president of the Departmental Council, who wishes to write his thoughts to this establishment.

“A first step”

Leading the Couleurs Landes opposition group (center and right), the mayor of , Julien Dubois, who knows this establishment located in his town well, spoke. “I did not attend this performance, but Martine Dedieu (his running mate, Editor’s note) was able to do so. Indeed, even if there were somewhat particular passages, the establishment’s decision may be subject to discussion. » He especially wanted to emphasize that in his eyes, “with the Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle group, we are not adopting a behavior that would mean that access to a universal culture is not real for its students” .

Sylvie Bergeroo, elected socialist from the Pays Tyrosse, made a point of saying that “this is already a first step, which for me is dangerous”. Frédéric Dutin (PS), Mons councilor, supported it, believing that “to be audible, we must send clear messages. That of Mr. Dubois is convoluted, this speech is no longer audible today. There is a clear and coherent call to order. »

Julien Dubois then spoke again: “If I haven’t been clear, I’m going to try to be a little more clear. What I invite everyone to do is not to take what happened lightly.” But he wishes “not to call into question everything that has been carried out by a private educational establishment under contract for years, with significant investments, an offer concerning education which is not negligible in the territory. »

“Our intransigence must not have variable geography,” added MP Boris Vallaud, believing that “school instrumentalization must be wary of.”

The 2025 allocations

Public establishments. The total allocations amount to 4,823,369 euros for colleges. Added 409,844 euros to cover unforeseeable expenses when drawing up budgets. 115,000 euros are also planned to finance the travel of middle school students to sports establishments. The canteen price does not change: the meal remains at 3 euros (it increased by €0.30 last year) while the manufacturing cost is estimated at €9.50.
Private establishments. The contribution is up to 710 euros per student (403 euros for the “operation” part; 307 euros for the “staff” part) to reach 740 euros per student in 2027. The Department is aware of the enrollment of 2,000 students in these establishments, the total allocation will be 1,420,000 euros.



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