still lagging behind in Europe

still lagging behind in Europe
France still lagging behind in Europe

A first catch-up, but which remains largely insufficient. This is the observation drawn up, for , by the 2024 report of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (Cepej). Published every two years, this document, which compares the means of justice and its functioning in 44 Council of Europe states, was published on October 16. Its data are those for the year 2022. This is therefore the first edition to include post-crisis data linked to Covid-19.

“All judicial systems in Europe faced many challenges in 2020 (…) which affected their operation, which had an impact on many of the data presented in this report »warns Cepej. It is therefore better to compare the 2022 data with data prior to 2020. Likewise, it is appropriate to compare the French situation with countries of equivalent wealth and development.

According to the study, France spends 77.20 euros per year and per inhabitant to finance its judicial system (excluding prisons, judicial protection of youth and operation of the ministry), where the European median is 74.80 euros. In 2014, it amounted to 65.60 euros. But, for comparison, Germany spends almost double on justice with 136.10 euros per inhabitant; Italy, 100.60 euros; Spain, 96.80 euros, and Belgium, 102.50 euros. And if we look at what the budget represents as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), France falls below the median (0.20% against 0.28%), like Belgium (0.22% of GDP) . Unlike Germany (0.30%), Italy (0.31%), Spain (0.34%).

The figures concerning France reflect the first effects of the budgetary efforts obtained in particular by Eric Dupond-Moretti − appointed Keeper of the Seals in 2020, he left office at the end of September −, who had secured a budgetary increase in his orientation and development law. justice programming, adopted at the end of 2023. However, the objectives of this text, which provided for, by 2027, 10,000 recruitments in total, including 1,500 magistrates and 1,500 clerks, the construction of new prison places, the renovation of many courthouses, but also digital modernization, are undermined by the savings planned to reduce the country’s debt.

Also read the analysis | Article reserved for our subscribers Eric Dupond-Moretti, a report marked by an increase in resources for the Ministry of Justice

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According to the first version of the budget presented at the beginning of October, the blow to justice could amount to nearly 500 million euros. Didier Migaud, the new Minister of Justice, has obtained promises of upward adjustments. However, it is not certain that this will fully cover the shortfall.

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