A couple from -Isère taken to court because of the crowing of their rooster Ricco

Among his chickens, the rooster Ricco roams freely in this garden in the Boussieu district, on the border between Nivolas-Vermelle and Bourgoin-Jallieu in -Isère. But for how much longer? Her singing annoys one of her owners’ neighbors, who bought housing in this neighborhood in 2021. She called on his legal assistance a few weeks ago after an unsuccessful mediation attempt at town hall, two weeks ago. years. In mid-September, the rooster’s owners received a letter informing them of a legal summons: an audience is scheduled for January 14, 2025 in Bourgoin-Jallieu.

“Here’s the building.”says Franck when he approaches the henhouse he has installed at the bottom of the garden. “There is an automatic system which means that the door closes at 8 p.m. and opens at 9 a.m. in summer, 8:30 a.m. in winter.” The couple chose these times to delay Ricco’s wake-up time and therefore his songs. He recognizes that when he leaves, the rooster crows “about fifteen times in a quarter of an hour and then a few times during the day”. The neighbor assures her that she hears him singing all day long.which prevents him from enjoying his garden, especially with his dog. She also tells Bleu Isère hearing Ricco at night and being woken up several times.


Campaign or no campaign?

Since January 2021, a law aimed at defining and protect the sensory heritage of the countryside French laws came into force. Except that the concept of “campaign” is not legally defined. “The whole debate will be focused on this notion: can we consider that in Boussieu we are in the countryside or not?”summarizes the owner of Ricco.

She thinks so. “25 years ago, we came here to live next to a farm where he had a barnyard, horses, cows.” “We are a stone’s throw from the forest, it is an environment that has always been rural”adds Franck. Both recognize “increasing urbanization” but consider that here it is “still preserved” despite the highway and the national road which surround the district. Their neighbor, disturbed by Ricco, believes on the contrary that “Boussieu, we are no longer in the countryside” by highlighting the numerous constructions of housing estates in recent years.

The Ricco rooster in the garden. © Radio France
Lucie Amadieu

Their visions conflict on several points. When the couple claims to have collected around twenty testimonies in favor of Ricco from other neighbors, the complainant says she represents other residents annoyed by the rooster. These owners have not initiated proceedings, but are following the advice of animal rights associations. They plan to launch a petition soon via their Facebook page.



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