Medway: an essential project for the doctors of the Charlevoix-Est GMF

Medway: an essential project for the doctors of the Charlevoix-Est GMF
Medway: an essential project for the doctors of the Charlevoix-Est GMF

The co-leaders of the Family Medicine Group (GMF) of Charlevoix-Est, Dr. Éric Melançon and Dr. Myriam Landry spoke during the third public session on the Medway project in La Malbaie.

Both officials believe the project is essential for the sector. “The time has come to move to a larger, more modern place,” believes Dr. Mélançon.

They believe that bringing together the services of the Clermont and La Malbaie clinics, which serves no less than 18,000 users, will make it easier for the population to have appointments, both with doctors and health professionals. “The practice is evolving and it is no different for Charlevoix,” believes Dr. Landry.

While not wanting to be alarmist, Dr. Myriam Landry recalled that a good number of doctors currently in place will retire in the near future. “We fear not offering the same operational offer when they leave and being able to maintain the pace,” adds Dr. Landry. It is for this reason in particular that she believes that this project will help in the recruitment of future doctors.

The two doctors also clarified that the arrival of a GMF will not lead to more traffic which will disturb the neighborhood. The clinic will be open during the week from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and from 8 a.m. to noon on weekends. “It won’t be like a hospital where there’s a big flow of people going there. […] We are convinced that we are going to be good neighbors,” believes Dr. Landry.

A second draft by-law will be presented at the next meeting of the municipal council, on October 15, in order to modify the use of the land for health purposes.




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