“What Marine asks of us is equivalent to what we sign for fictitious jobs”: at the RN trial, Marine Le Pen at the heart of the system

“What Marine asks of us is equivalent to what we sign for fictitious jobs”: at the RN trial, Marine Le Pen at the heart of the system
“What Marine asks of us is equivalent to what we sign for fictitious jobs”: at the RN trial, Marine Le Pen at the heart of the system

Marine Le Pen can’t sit still. Waiting, this Tuesday, October 15, to return to the bar to explain herself, she leaves her dock regularly, joins her lawyer, stamps her feet, ostensibly passes in front of the journalists, displaying a smile as sincere as that of a toothpaste salesman .

No doubt she hopes to show that her repeated mood swings the day before do not reflect her state of mind. His green jacket, which replaced the austere black suit of Monday, also enters into this story. Marine Le Pen is far from calm and seeks to hide it.

Questioned by the criminal court, in the company of four of her former parliamentary assistants, since Monday October 14 and until Wednesday evening, the defendant becomes annoyed while listening to the answers, sometimes clumsy and often compromising, from Catherine Griset and Micheline Bruna, ex-employees accused of fictitious employment.

It was Marine Le Pen who “decided which assistant was charged to which MP’s budget”

They do not have the confidence (bordering on condescension) of their former official employer, who has been trying since Monday noon to dodge the facts that are annoying in order to distance the court from the elements with which she is specifically accused.



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