“I’m not a good manager”: Harry Roselmack without filter on his complicated finances

“I’m not a good manager”: Harry Roselmack without filter on his complicated finances
“I’m not a good manager”: Harry Roselmack without filter on his complicated finances

On October 2, Harry Roselmack released a new book, published by Jouvence, called God, the source and the philosophical Universe. Invited by blogger Sam Zirah on his YouTube channel, the journalist shared some secrets about how he manages his money and why he is not rolling in gold as some may think.

An essential journalist in the French audiovisual landscape, he will soon celebrate his 21st birthday at TF1. The years pass but are not the same and are sometimes sources of upheaval for the host. Indeed, in 2022, he announced his separation from Chrislaine, the mother of his three children. “Like many things in this world, love is born, evolves, sometimes dies. This is how a love story can evolve to the point where we consider it to be over (…) Chrislaine and I’s had a major turning point in January 2017 when our separation had place. Since then, we no longer live in the love that is supposed to unite a couple, but a deep bond of affection and respect, always unites me with Chrislaine“, he wrote on Instagram.

It is on a completely different subject that Harry Roselmack has been making headlines recently since at the beginning of October 2024, he released a new book entitled God, the source and the philosophical Universe and appeared published by Jouvence. The pitch in a few words? “No one questions the fact that you have to train, get a license, to drive a vehicle well. Yet we consider that you can live the right way without knowing anything about the meaning of life, without knowing anything understand the universe that created life… If we don’t learn to activate the right commands to move in the right direction, how can we live well? It’s a fact: in our ignorance we rush towards a wall“, we could read on the back cover.

“I have nothing saved…”

Intrigued by this work, Sam Zirah invited the famous presenter of Seven to Eight on his YouTube channel to talk about his book but also about his journey. The journalist spoke in particular about his finances and made revelations which may surprise more than one person. While some might have thought that he was financially comfortable and had secured his back for the future, Harry Roselmack told the blogger otherwise. “I’m not a businessman at all. I’m terrible. I manage finances very poorly. I don’t have anything saved… I’m not a good manager. I am a creative person and I like to participate in society by having ideas and trying to bring those ideas to life“, he explained.

And to justify himself: “I support or am at the origin of different entrepreneurial adventures. I hope some will work. Because entrepreneurship is first and foremost investment, development.” “At the beginning, not only do we not make any money but we invest and sometimes we losebecause it doesn’t work, but what’s great is the adventure lived with others“, he concluded.



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