she becomes a grave cleaner

she becomes a grave cleaner
she becomes a grave cleaner

She is one of those who love the tranquility of cemeteries, she finds a form of peace there. You will perhaps come across her in one of them, bent over a grave, brush in hand, paying little attention to the effort to revive a stone choked by the layer of moss.

A few months ago, Christine Narolles, 56, resident of Fontenay-le-Comte in Vendée, decided to make grave maintenance a career. She called her micro-enterprise “Nonna” in homage to Gisèle, her mother of Italian origin who left three years ago. It operates in Vendée but also in Deux-Sèvres and as far as Charente-Maritime.

“When I arrive there, she explains, I always start by taking a few photos of the grave and doing a quick inventory. Then, I clean all the ornaments and then I clean the grave with natural and biodegradable products… If necessary, I weed the area around it, by hand. » Once her work is finished, she repositions the ornaments using the photos taken upon her arrival.

Christine Narolles can also redo lettering faded by time, including gold leaf, or redo a tired joint.

The cost of her service (single or package) which she adapts to the needs of her clients (from €55) includes the installation of a seasonal plant.

Christine Narolles, cleaning, maintenance, flowering of graves, tel. [email protected]



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