three men arrested in flagrante delicto in a bus depot in Indre-et-

Three Bulgarian nationals have been subject to an OQTF since they were arrested in a bus depot in Indre-et- where they were going to commit a fuel smuggling. The suspects will have to answer for their actions in court in April 2025.

In Indre-et-Loire, the gendarmes arrested fuel thieves. Illustrative photo. | BEATRICE THE GREAT / WEST- ARCHIVES

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  • In Indre-et-Loire, the gendarmes arrested fuel thieves. Illustrative photo. | BEATRICE THE GREAT / WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Victim of several siphonings, a school bus depot located Ballan-Miré (Indre-et-Loire) had been the subject of surveillance by the police for several days. On the night of Saturday October 12 to Sunday October 13, 2024, the surveillance and intervention platoon of the gendarmerie arrested three men who were preparing to take action, reports The New Republic .

An OQTF issued to criminals

Aged 21, 26 and 40, the suspects, of Bulgarian nationality, had with them around twenty 20-liter containers. They will be judged in April 2025 by the Tours judicial court. An obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) was issued to them, indicates France Blue Touraine . Two of the criminals have one month to leave the country. The third was immediately placed in administrative detention.

According to our colleagues, this same deposit had already been targeted by thieves. Two men were arrested in action in February 2024. They intended to steal 600 liters of fuel.



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