Dounia Coesens and Elodie Varlet (Tom and Lola) recount their worst challenges faced in “cap ou pas cap”, the favorite game of the heroes of the 3 series

Dounia Coesens and Elodie Varlet (Tom and Lola) recount their worst challenges faced in “cap ou pas cap”, the favorite game of the heroes of the 3 series
Dounia Coesens and Elodie Varlet (Tom and Lola) recount their worst challenges faced in “cap ou pas cap”, the favorite game of the heroes of the France 3 series

The first of two new episodes of Tom and Lola offered on Tuesday October 15 is called “Cap ou pas cap”, the favorite game of the channel’s new heroes. A game that Dounia Coesens and Elodie Varlet also played in their youth…

Tuesday October 15, 3 offers two new episodes of Tom and Lola, the new detective series with Pierre-Yves Bon and Dounia Coesens who really tasted the joys of roommates during filming. Partners at the PJ de la Seyne-sur-Mer, Tom and Lola are above all the best friends in the world. If today they are responsible adults, parents of grown-up teenagers, they have lost absolutely nothing of their childish soul. The proof, in less time than it takes to say it, they transform the scene of a crime into a playground. Their favorites: “the first who…” or “cap or not cap”. Games also played Dounia Coesens et Elodie Varlet in their youth. They tell.

Tom and Lola : Dounia Coesens reveals a challenge she faced while playing “cap or no cap”

“To course or not to course” is a bit like the “truth or dare” of the 1980s/90s, with the difference that it is a choice between action and… action! Met a few weeks before the launch of the fiction on France 3, Dounia Coesens et Elodie Varlet, friends in the city who, in the series, respectively play Lola and Gaëlle, the unusual lawyer, admitted to having taken up this kind of challenge in the past. “Who hasn’t played “cap or not cap” !”, exclaims Elodie Varlet, supported by Dounia Coesens, who admits to having also done it often. The actress, on the other hand, has a little more difficulty remembering the craziest challenge she took on… until she bursts out laughing. “That was the arrival of a live memory,” jokes Elodie Varlet, who knows her friend. “Yes, I have a memory that comes back to me, confirms Dounia Coesens amused. Without meaning to of course, I still set fire to a small village theater because of some kind of “heading or not heading.”

“It made a giant load of laundry” : Elodie Varlet recounts a memorable challenge

If Elodie Varlet, who plays for the first time with her companion in a series, admitted to having played “cap or not cap”, she prefers to reveal the memorable challenge but proposed to someone else. “I can tell the story”heading or not heading” from my boyfriend which consisted of putting, or not, laundry detergent in the town fountain. And he did it! It made a giant load of laundry.” she says laughing. “It’s funny“, judges and concludes Dounia Coesens.



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