Savings imposed on the department of Isère: “I fear that the remedy will kill the patient” (Jean-Pierre Barbier)

Savings imposed on the department of Isère: “I fear that the remedy will kill the patient” (Jean-Pierre Barbier)
Savings imposed on the department of Isère: “I fear that the remedy will kill the patient” (Jean-Pierre Barbier)

“Injustice”, “anger” and “inequalities”. The president of the departmental council of Isère Jean-Pierre Barbier does not lose his temper after the announcement of an effort of 5 billion euros in savings requested from communities by the government as part of the 2025 budget. “We are ready to make efforts but in a coordinated way, not like that” judges the president of the department. “We must make a distinction between communities: we departments have solidarity skills: the elderly, disabled people, child protection, RSA beneficiaries… It is the most fragile that we take care of“, recalls Jean-Pierre Barbier.

According to the proposals made by the government, the municipalities and their intercommunalities, the departments and the regions will be required to participate to the tune of 5 billion euros in the budgetary effort aimed at reducing the State public deficit from 6.1 % to 5% of GDP. This participation as well as the reductions in revenue imposed by the State or linked to the economic situation represent a total shortfall of 120 million euros, estimates Jean-Pierre Barbier.

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All this will have consequences on the finances of the department and on the policies implemented. “We will have to find solutions to maintain this social protection and continue to invest, because it is work for our companies. If there is no more work for our companies, the crisis will worsen. I’m afraid that the remedy imposed on us will kill the patient“, fears Jean-Pierre Barbier.

Difficult choices ahead for the department of Isère

The president of the department has therefore already announced that the vote on the 2025 budget will be postponed until next March. But tough choices are on the table. “Each year, the department votes on the key rates for certain public establishments (editor’s note: such as nursing homes) and finances the increases. This year, I cannot guarantee that the key rate will be positive“, indicates Jean-Pierre Barbier.

On the other hand, the president of the department of Isère sets two red lines: no question of touching the two-euro meals in the colleges of Isère. “We will maintain it because it is a real help to the middle classes“, believes Jean-Pierre Barbier. There is no question of touching the culture and education budgets either: “These are essential things if we want to prepare for the future“.

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The 2025 draft budget provides for an effort of 5 billion euros for communities, i.e. “12.5% ​​of the overall savings effort required in 2025 from public administrations, while communities represent 20% of public spending“, we assure the ministry. But the communities estimate the total amount of the effort at some 9.5 billion euros, taking into account in particular the effects of inflation and the cut of 1.5 billion in the green fund.

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