Attack on a van in Eure. The vital prognosis of the seriously injured agent is no longer engaged

Attack on a van in Eure. The vital prognosis of the seriously injured agent is no longer engaged
Attack on a van in Eure. The vital prognosis of the seriously injured agent is no longer engaged

Three days after the attack on a prison van, which left two dead in Incarville (Eure), the vital prognosis of the seriously injured prison guard is not “more engaged”, said Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti on Friday May 17, 2024. His two colleagues who were also injured were ” out of danger “.

VIDEO. Attack on a prison van: the father of one of the killed agents testifies

So far, the health status of the most seriously affected officer “nurturing a lot of worry”observed the Minister of Justice during a press briefing.

The movement to block prisons continues

It was particularly feared that this official would have to have a leg amputated, but this hypothesis was no longer mentioned on Thursday, indicated to theAFP Emmanuel Baudin, secretary general of FO Justice.

Since Tuesday’s deadly attack, guards have started a movement to block prisons to demand, in particular, an improvement in their security. This movement continues this Friday.

The detainee who was transported, Mohamed Amra, and his accomplices, are still wanted. Some 350 investigators are mobilized, indicated Gérald Darmanin. The police are “progressing very well” in their investigation, assured the Minister of the Interior on France 2. A hunt which is also organized outside the borders, with a “red notice” issued Wednesday by Interpol at the request of the French authorities to locate the fugitive.




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