Jordan Bardella fears a dissonance between “the speeches” and “the actions” of the government

Jordan Bardella fears a dissonance between “the speeches” and “the actions” of the government
Jordan Bardella fears a dissonance between “the speeches” and “the actions” of the government

The president of the National Rally expects to “look concretely” the content of the new immigration law unveiled on Sunday by the government before providing its support or opposition.

A year after the immigration law which fractured the former presidential majority, the government is putting back on the table a bill for the start of 2025. “There will be a need for a new law”in particular to allow “the extension” of “administrative detention” illegal aliens deemed dangerous, government spokesperson Maud Bregeon explained on Sunday. “This is not the first time that we have been told about an immigration law”was annoyed for his part by Jordan Bardella, this Monday morning on BFMTV and RMC.

If the president of the National Rally (RN) expects “take a concrete look at what is in this immigration law”he is still delighted to see his party’s themes taken up by the executive. “I see that the RN gathered 11 million votes (in the legislative elections) and that today nothing can be done without us in Parliament, in French political life”he enthused. According to him, the presence of the 126 RN deputies, who form the first opposition group in the National Assembly, pushed “the people who are in power and who did not win the elections hear the message of the polls”.

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For this new bill, the government plans in particular to increase the maximum duration of administrative detention from 90 to 210 days, which is currently only possible in the case of terrorist offenses. “We are not stopping ourselves from thinking about other arrangements”also indicated Maud Bregeon, according to whom there should be no “no taboo when it comes to protecting the French”. Ambitions in terms of migration policy which leave the Lepenist MEP doubtful. “There are the statements and then there are the facts, the decisions behind them”he tempers.

The distrust of the head of the flame party is all the greater as the envelope dedicated to state medical aid in the 2025 budget must be replenished by 100 million euros. “I see that in the budget, Michel Barnier’s government is preparing to increase state medical aid by 100 million euros, that is to say the envelope which is devoted to free healthcare for foreigners in an irregular situation, who can come to and even have their ears glued back at the princess’s expense. he was indignant. Although he fears a dissonance between “the speeches” and the “events” of the government, Jordan Bardella admits that the presentation of a new immigration law “is a request from the National Rally”. “We will obviously wait impatiently for this immigration law,” he thus indicated.



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