: an octogenarian victim of an attempted throat slitting at her home

: an octogenarian victim of an attempted throat slitting at her home
Paris: an octogenarian victim of an attempted throat slitting at her home

An 88-year-old woman was the victim of an attempted murder by slitting her throat this Saturday afternoon at her home in the 18th arrondissement. Contacted, the prosecutor’s office indicated this Sunday that it had opened “a blatant investigation into attempted voluntary homicide.” The investigations were entrusted to investigators from the 2nd judicial police district (DPJ). The perpetrator of the attack is still being sought.

It was around 4 p.m. when the firefighters were called by the victim’s daughter, worried that she had no longer heard from her mother. The latter lives in a residence on rue Gaston-Darboux, near the Porte d’. Once there, the rescuers discovered the apartment in disorder and “numerous traces of blood”, according to a source close to the case. Above all, the victim is bathed in his blood.

The vital prognosis is no longer engaged

Conscious, the octogenarian has a deep wound on her neck clearly inflicted by a bladed weapon. In an emergency, the paramedics transported her to Lariboisière hospital (Xe). “His vital prognosis, once committed, is no longer so,” said the prosecution. At this stage, the circumstances in which this attack occurred and the identity of its perpetrator are not yet known.

The key to the investigation could well come from the victim. According to our information, her daughter in fact indicated to the police that her mother sometimes hosted homeless people as part of her volunteer activity in an association which helps people in very precarious situations. If the perpetrator is one of these beneficiaries, the victim may be able to identify him and thus allow investigators to find him.



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