A cash transport employee robbed by two men in

An employee of a cash transport company was the victim of an attempted armed robbery in on September 30, according to information fromNews17. He was about to reload the automatic teller machine (ATM) of a Société Générale agency, when he was robbed by two criminals. They finally fled when they discovered that the employee had triggered his alarm.

It was around 7:45 a.m. that morning when the incident occurred. The employee made his rounds of several banks normally, in his unmarked vehicle. Arriving in the Prefecture district in Cergy, he headed towards this Société Générale agency, on foot. “Two hooded criminals dressed all in black emerged from a utility vehicle and threatened him with a handgun, forcing him to get into the back of their car”describes a source close to the investigation.

The victim warned her attackers that she had triggered the internal alarm on her work phone. Taken by surprise, the two accomplices decided to release the employee, give him back his belongings, and quickly flee without taking any loot. When the police arrived, they had already disappeared. The employee, in shock but who did not suffer violence, was questioned by police officers from the Val-d’Oise Interdepartmental Judicial Police Service (SIPJ 95), in charge of investigations.

Another employee robbed in July in , 315,000 euros in loot

On July 9, a Brinks employee suffered a similar attack in the same department, in Gonesse, as revealed The JDD. Shortly before 10 a.m., the man was also making his rounds in his unmarked vehicle, when he was robbed by three hooded criminals, who forced him to get into their car. The victim was then transported to an isolated location, around twenty kilometers away, in the town of Compans (Seine-et-), a rural area. The attackers stole a set of six keys allowing access to ATMs.

The criminals abandoned the employee on site then headed to a bank in Aulnay-sous- (Seine-Saint-Denis). They opened an ATM and stole 315,000 euros. The device had been recharged the day before. SIPJ 95 investigators have also been tasked with this case and will study the probable links between these two cases.



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