“Odile Vuillemin brings something extremely intriguing”, Fred Bianconi (Un si grand soleil) praises his partner in the 2 series

“Odile Vuillemin brings something extremely intriguing”, Fred Bianconi (Un si grand soleil) praises his partner in the 2 series
“Odile Vuillemin brings something extremely intriguing”, Fred Bianconi (Un si grand soleil) praises his partner in the France 2 series

This Wednesday, October 16, 2 viewers will be able to discover, from 9:05 p.m., a miniseries which may well intrigue them, captivate them and, perhaps, freeze them: A suspicion ! This fiction in 4 episodes begins with the murder of Pascal Dubreuil (Cyril Lecomte), found in his car, burned, on the side of a road. His widow, Isabelle, played by Odile Vuilleminis overcome by pain. But very quickly, in the mind of the young gendarmerie captain Mathilde Delboscq (Joyce Bibring) a doubt emerges. What if Isabelle was not a victim… but the culprit. In this macabre theater, Fred Bianconiwhich will soon make its return in Such a big sunplays Jérôme, Mathilde’s father. A bruised man whose relationship with his daughter is marked by pain and past wounds…

A suspicion : “Odile Vuillemin brings something extremely intriguing”Fred Bianconi praises his partner

Télé-Loisirs: When you receive this project A suspicionwhat do you say to yourself? Because it’s still a disturbing story…
Fred Bianconi
: This story is inspired by real events so in a way, this reinforces its credibility. And the reality of the story is still quite crazy. And then the role really suits Odile Vuillemin, who brings something extremely intriguing. She’s really good and that was obvious to me as soon as I saw her on set. As for my character, even if he is not at the heart of the plot, I find that the relationship he has with his daughter is delicate and sensitive. Between them, there is something to repair. It was quite interesting.

About this injury, there is a very nice scene between them in the last episode. They say things to each other in a few words and gestures. How did you approach this particular scene?
It’s one of the first that I shot with Joyce Bibring. This scene is therefore also the meeting between two actors. We had to invent the whole story of these two characters in the blink of an eye. It’s always in the silences that we say the most things to each other. The words are there to sometimes support a character’s thoughts. But in reality, in silence and in exchange, everything is told. In this scene it is important that they say to each other “I love you”I missed you”I shouldn’t have”… But time, looks, exchanges, that’s what makes a scene fragile and sensitive. And that’s how we approached this scene, also thanks to the director Philippe Dajoux. I remember that in the first takes, we started with quite strong emotion. But little by little we erased it, so that we could enjoy the time, the exchange, the looks.

A suspicion : “I would like to be offered the opportunity to…”Fred Bianconi talks about his desires for the rest of his career

And is this type of role, this type of scene also a way of presenting yourself differently to the public?
Being able to move into different roles is the magic of this job. We can reinvent ourselves in a new character. If it meant doing the same thing all the time, it could be boring. Each role is a challenge and a new adventure. Each time we must always try to be the fairest, the most real, the most human. In any case, I always try to bring humanity. This is what makes, from my point of view, a character touching or less touching. The characters broken inside, which have a deep tear, as is the case in A suspicionit’s always interesting. A character without problems is much less so. What makes a character rich is his problem and the way he solves it. Besides, the director Philippe Dajoux really had a good eye. What is moving, as in this scene, is often the silences, the restraint of emotion. That’s what pierces the screen. Sometimes lowering the slider and keeping the strong things that a character feels inside has more impact for the viewer. Ultimately, it’s not the act of crying that makes a scene moving. Seeing a character who holds back tears, whose inner crack we see, that’s what provides emotion. Modesty is moving.

What role do you want to play today?
I would like to be offered the opportunity to carry a series. Without any pretension, I believe that there was an attachment with Virgil in Such a big sun and Tintin in Gearscharacters who stood out for different reasons. So, I tell myself, once again without pretension, that I have the capacity to carry a series. And why a series? Because this format allows you to develop in length. Afterwards, in terms of characters, beyond the function, the cop is interesting because he mixes action, modesty, emotions, a social dimension. A teacher character could be interesting too.



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