SENEGAL-EDUCATION-REGEMENT / The wearing of the veil and the cross authorized in schools (decree) – Senegalese press agency

SENEGAL-EDUCATION-REGEMENT / The wearing of the veil and the cross authorized in schools (decree) – Senegalese press agency
SENEGAL-EDUCATION-REGEMENT / The wearing of the veil and the cross authorized in schools (decree) – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, Oct 9 (APS) – The Ministry of National Education issued, Tuesday, an order relating to the guiding principles of the internal regulations of public and private education and training establishments in Senegal, authorizing, among other things, the port of the veil and the cross in schools.

“The internal regulations must guarantee an environment conducive to teaching and learning by ensuring: (…) respect for religious beliefs”, we read in the ministry’s decree.

Respect for these religious beliefs includes, “acceptance of the wearing of religious symbols, such as the veil, the cross, sacred pearls, without prejudice to a clear identification of the student within the school grounds, in classes and during educational activities,” explains the text.

“This respect for religious difference does not exempt the student, except through objectively motivated exemptions, from participation in compulsory educational and sporting activities,” indicates the same document.

It also specifies that “any contravention of the provisions of this decree exposes its author to the sanctions provided for by the laws and regulations”.

Internal regulations must guarantee an environment conducive to teaching and learning by ensuring “safety and health in and outside the classroom (…) discipline (with) the establishment of clear rules concerning clothing, attendance , punctuality (…), acceptance of diversity.

They must also ensure “acceptance of diversity and mutual respect with a view to strengthening the values ​​of living together: no hindrance to diversity in the use of school space including table-benches, public benches and sports fields, except toilets and changing rooms; acceptance of forms of greeting other than shaking hands; prohibition of any form of physical and verbal violence or words of harassment”.

The internal regulations are subject to the approval of the Academy Inspectorates, according to the ministry, stressing that any internal regulations ”not approved are not applicable”.




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