Haute-Corse: “rapid detection of emerging fires, a strategy that is bearing fruit”, Hyacinthe Vanni

Haute-Corse: “rapid detection of emerging fires, a strategy that is bearing fruit”, Hyacinthe Vanni
Haute-Corse: “rapid detection of emerging fires, a strategy that is bearing fruit”, Hyacinthe Vanni

With 107 fires starting and 130 hectares burned, the 2024 fire season in Haute-Corse ends with a judged assessment “very satisfying” according to the authorities, although marked by a record drought. This result demonstrates a clear improvement compared to the 595 fire outbreaks recorded in 2022, a development welcomed by those involved in fighting fires, in particular firefighters, the military, and agents of the National Forestry Office (NFB). According to Hyacinthe Vanni, president of the board of directors of the Fire and Rescue Service (SIS) of Haute-Corse, this success is largely based on early detection and a rapid intervention strategy, with 85% of fires in 2024 having destroyed less than one hectare of vegetation.

“An expensive but effective device”

“From the start of the season, we were very worried about the unprecedented drought and high temperatures, but the coordination work between the different services bore fruit”affirmed Hyacinthe Vanni who underlines the importance of “territorial network” and the attack on emerging fires, considered a priority: « The first ten minutes are crucial to winning the battle… Instead of leaving the firefighters in the station, we mobilize them on the ground, a costly but effective system »adds the president of the SIS of Haute-Corse. This network, reinforced by surveillance patrols, has also made it possible to provide logistical support to farmers affected by the lack of water.

If the number of fires is decreasing, Hyacinthe Vanni nevertheless warned of the persistence of irresponsible behavior, such as illegal burning and pyromaniawhich he describes as“intolerable” and against which he calls for reinforced repression. Despite initial concerns about air resources, the elected official, also vice-president of the Corsican Assembly, was grateful to the state services, in particular for maintaining the Dragon 2B and the support of Canadair and Dash. « We had all the means necessary to cope »he concluded, while emphasizing the importance of continuing prevention and clearing efforts throughout the year.



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