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In -Atlantique, a town equips its cemetery with photovoltaic panels

In -Atlantique, a town equips its cemetery with photovoltaic panels
In Loire-Atlantique, a town equips its cemetery with photovoltaic panels

The inhabitants of Saint-Joachim will be able to benefit almost free from the electricity produced by these 5,900 panels. Only a few voices, citing “exploitation of the deceased”, oppose the project.

Le Figaro

It is a unique project in . In -Atlantique, the town of Saint-Joachim has embarked on a unique project: covering its cemetery with around 5,900 photovoltaic panels, over 9,000 square meters (the total surface area is 11,000 m2). The energy produced will be redistributed to households, in exchange for a subscription to the association coordinating the project.

The town of 4,000 inhabitants, located north of Saint-Nazaire, has been engaged in a photovoltaic energy approach since 2010. The new system expected for the end of 2025 or the beginning of 2026 is part of this framework, while responding to other issues. “We had a problem with the cemetery built at the end of the 1960s in a marsh”explains Raphaël Salaün, the mayor of Saint-Joachim. Despite the filling, it is common for the place to be flooded in winter, with burials sometimes bathing in water. The idea was therefore to cover it, to install in parallel a structure allowing rainwater to be collected to water the neighboring sports complex, while taking the opportunity to install solar shades with a power of 1.2 megawatt-peak (MWp). This reflection came at the very time when the municipal team was thinking of including residents in its self-consumption efforts.

4.5 million euros

The project, discussed in 2021, was presented at a public meeting. Initially, residents were offered to participate in the financing. Ultimately, this model evolved due to tax developments. The budget of 4.5 million euros is divided as follows: “2.5 million for the wooden structure of the shade sheds payable by the municipality and 2 million for the photovoltaic plant, indirectly payable by households via the additional land revenue of the municipality linked to the application of the revaluation of the bases tax by the State of 7.1% for 2023”details the councilor.

The redistribution will be done in an equitable manner via the Brièr’Energie association, which is working to develop a “citizen distribution key” allowing energy to be distributed fairly, in conjunction with Enedis and electricity suppliers. “We ask the inhabitants of Saint-Joachim for an entrance fee of five euros”specifies Philippe Renoux, vice-president of the association. Members (tenants or owners) will then see a reduction applied directly to their invoice.

From a moral point of view, it seems indecent to us to want to exploit our deceased by wanting to make the cemetery profitable.

Philippe Vince, elected from the minority, during a municipal council

In November 2023, in the municipal council, during a deliberation on allocation to support local investment concerning the cemetery, three elected officials from the minority voted against. “Making the population believe that they will benefit from free electricity when in reality it will be financed by our taxes is deception”reacted Philippe Vince, elected in the minority. “From a moral point of view, it seems indecent to us to want to exploit our deceased by wanting to make the cemetery profitable”he continued. “Don’t just think about the money our deaths will bring in, because that’s what it’s all about. The religious world, which until now was in total silence following this project, is beginning to react. Yes, Mr. Mayor, there is still time to review your copy”added municipal councilor Alain Aoustin. “What are you going to do if an obstacle of funerary origin prevents the laying of these special foundations on these freehold lands? This evening, I ask everyone to think about their vote, so that our deceased can continue to rest in peace..

“We know that some are against this project but it is marginal. I have a neighbor who was against it, and who will ultimately support it”defends volunteer Philippe Renoux, from the Brièr’Energie association. “The opposition is against all energy initiatives”brushes off the mayor, praising the benefits of the operation: according to him, the oldest will now be able to come and pay their respects at the cemetery in good conditions. Currently, a prototype of nine poles with around sixty panels soon is being installed. A call for tenders should be launched by the end of the year.

Avant-garde commune

In 2010, Saint-Joachim began an energy transition, initially motivated by an economic aspect. In 2011, eight buildings were covered with photovoltaic installations for total resale. In 2019, a turning point occurred with the arrival of aerovoltaics, making it possible to recover hot air under the panels and heat buildings in winter or cool them in summer. “A large number of roofs have been equipped with aerovoltaic power stations and these have been networked in order to share this energy and increase the energy saving potential”welcomes Mayor Raphaël Salaün. “Ultimately, the municipality wishes to no longer use gas in its buildings and to be electrically self-sufficient for all its consumption while using the Enedis network to circulate its electricity”. At the same time, the idea is to involve citizens, hence the idea of ​​redistributing energy from the cemetery thanks to the creation of a municipal self-consumption network in connection with Enedis.

According to municipal data, in 2023, total consumption was 310,000 kWh of electricity (public buildings and lighting), versus 556,000 kWh of photovoltaic electricity produced (including the first buildings for direct sale). “By 2030, the objective for the municipality is to consume only electricity produced by its power stations”adds the municipality, which develops storage solutions and whose projects are scrutinized by many municipalities in France.



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