Chris is French-speaking and lives in Flanders, where voting is no longer compulsory: what should he do this Sunday?

For the first time this year, voters in Flanders are no longer required to vote in municipal and provincial elections. Unlike Wallonia and Brussels, where voting remains compulsory, Flanders introduced an exception following the regionalization of local elections. Chris, a French speaker living in Flanders, wondered about the invitation received for the elections.

Unlike in previous years, voters in Flanders are no longer required to participate in municipal and provincial elections. Chris, a French-speaker living in this region, wondered about the invitation he received and wondered if voting was compulsory. He contacted us via the orange “Alert Us” button.

What Chris received was not a summons, but a simple invitation to go to the polls. Indeed, for the first time this year, voting is no longer compulsory in Flanders for municipal and provincial elections. If the obligation to vote is still enshrined in the Constitution, it now only applies to federal elections.

A change enabled by regionalization

Since 2001, the organization of local elections has come under the jurisdiction of the Regions, which allowed Flanders to modify electoral regulations this year. This change marks a turning point, while Wallonia and Brussels maintain the voting obligation for these same elections.

Sanctions still in force in Wallonia and Brussels

In Wallonia and Brussels, the obligation to vote remains in place. Citizens who do not fulfill their electoral duty without a valid proxy or justification may be summoned before the justice of the peace. In the event of a breach, a fine of up to 80 euros may be imposed, an amount which can rise to 200 euros in the event of a repeat offense. In addition, a repeat citizen may lose his or her right to vote.

municipal elections 2024



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