Christelle’s dog was killed before her eyes: “The shock suffered could have serious consequences for the rest of my pregnancy”

Thursday September 26, Christelle was walking with her little dog in a street in her village, in Hodeige, in the commune of Remicourt. The walk turns into a tragedy when two American staff dogs burst in and kill the poor bichon.

With less than a few weeks left of her pregnancy, Christelle certainly did not need this traumatic story. While walking Lilo, her 8-year-old Maltese, two American Staff dogs escape from their owners’ garden. “I tried to keep my dog ​​as close to me as possible, but in just a few seconds, one of the two dogs literally jumped on mine and violently attacked it.“, she says, pressing the orange Alert us button.

The American staff held my dog ​​in his mouth by his stomach and wouldn’t let go. I obviously tried to save my dog ​​from the mouths of the two hounds, but their power was such that it was impossible to do anything to them.“, the future mother painfully recalls.

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Helpless, Christelle finally recovers the bloody body of her little companion when the dogs deign to leave him. “He was unconscious and full of blood“Faced with the urgency of the situation, she rushes to the veterinarian, but it is already too late for Lilo. “The veterinarian noted the death of our dog, who died instantly, either due to the shock of the attack suffered, or from internal bleeding created by the bites..”

The news of the death of his dog is terrible. “He was a full member of the family“, says the mother-to-be, her throat tight. “I am 31 weeks (8 months) pregnant with twins. The shock suffered by this event could have serious consequences for the rest of my pregnancy and the health of our future children.

Impossible to file a complaint

Following this event, that same evening, Christelle decided to go to the dogs’ owners. “They said they were sorry. Their house being under construction, the garden was not yet fenced and the dogs had managed to escape.”

By surveying the neighbors, Remicourtoise realizes that these dogs are not their first try. “I learned that this is far from the first time that these dogs have attacked other animals, and that these dogs are spreading terror in the neighborhood“Other pets have already been attacked (and a cat was killed) while other residents no longer dare to take their animals out of their homes.

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Faced with the magnitude of the situation, Christelle decides to go to the police to file a complaint. A problem arises: this is not possible. As this is a story between animals, it is not possible to file a complaint. This could have been the case if Christelle had been the target of the dogs, but in this case, the law does not allow it.

I do not at all question the work of the police or the mayor. This is not a lack of will on their part, but a problem in the law“, she assures.

Thierry Missaire, the mayor of Remicourt, agrees with Christelle: “It’s a problem“, he admits. Modifying this law does not fall within his competence, but he assures that he takes this matter very seriously. Beyond the painful loss experienced by Christelle, the attacks of these dogs represent a danger for the public safety.”I already informed the divisional commissioner about it the day after the incident. He has already visited the site in person.

It’s catastrophic“, insists the mayor. “I asked the police to investigate. To take action, I need official information. A neighborhood survey was carried out” and the collection of testimonies is underway.

In this sense, local residents who consider themselves victims of these dogs can contact the police to testify in this case. “I don’t want to get emotional, but the measures will be harsh depending on the report that the police will draw up.“, promises Thierry Missaire.

Harsh measures for such facts

This is not the first time that the municipality has had to manage a matter of this kind. “We experienced a similar case a year and a half ago. Dangerous dogs were seized and only returned several months later once the owners had fulfilled all the conditions set for them: installation of fences, follow-up training training, etc..”

We must take tough measures in relation to such facts“, asserts the mayor again. “Once the police report is returned, I will take action.”

It may seem like a long time, but you have to take the time to do the right things.“, concludes the elected official.

remicourt dangerous dogs



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