News and saying of the day: This year, a dozen feminicides have been recorded so far in Switzerland

News and saying of the day: This year, a dozen feminicides have been recorded so far in Switzerland
News and saying of the day: This year, a dozen feminicides have been recorded so far in Switzerland

blue News and Keystone-ATS give you a first glimpse of the news, with the latest news unearthed in the press. Without forgetting birthdays and the saying of the day!

Every month, one or two women were killed by their partner, their ex-partner or a member of their family last year in Switzerland. (symbolic photo).


Today’s highlights

FINANCING CARE: The cross-party committee in favor of the uniform financing project for outpatient and inpatient health services (EFAS) launches its campaign on Tuesday in Bern. For supporters of this project, it will strengthen outpatient care, because the cantons will have to co-finance not only inpatient, but also outpatient treatments. Fearing a further increase in premiums and a drop in the quality of care, the left launched the referendum against this project on which the people will vote on November 24.

ACCOMMODATIONS: On November 24, the people also vote on revisions to lease law which relate to subletting and termination of the lease for own purposes. A bourgeois committee in favor of these revisions launches its campaign in Bern on Tuesday. Supporters of these reforms believe that they provide fair rules between owners and tenants. Asloca launched the referendum against this reform, which it describes as “hardening”.

NOBEL PRIZE: After medicine on Monday, the Nobel Prize in physics is awarded on Tuesday in Stockholm. Among the favorites, specialists from Swedish public radio cite the Swiss physicist Christoph Gerber, from the University of Basel, pioneer in the development of the atomic force microscope. The Nobel season will then continue on Wednesday with chemistry, before the highly anticipated literature prizes on Thursday and the peace prizes on Friday, the only prize awarded in Oslo. The most recent economy price closes the vintage next Monday.

Seen in the press

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: The opening of legal proceedings against him by the Russian secret services did not surprise war reporter Kurt Pelda. “Just a month ago, my name was already mentioned at a press conference of the Russian Foreign Ministry,” he said in an interview with CH Media, the media company for which he works. In the future, he will be more careful and avoid countries friendly to Russia. “If the opportunity to go to Russia with the Ukrainians presents itself again, I will probably take it,” the journalist continued. He won’t be intimidated. In Ukraine, he will continue to work as usual. Currently, Kurt Pelda is in Israel. (Aargauer Zeitung/Luzerner Zeitung/St-Galler Tagblatt)

CRIME: Every month, one or two women were killed by their partner, their ex-partner or a member of their family last year in Switzerland. However, femicides are not officially recorded in Switzerland, according to several Tamedia newspapers. Figures from the Federal Statistical Office in the area of ​​domestic violence, however, give an indication: 16 women and 4 girls were killed by relatives last year. This year, a dozen feminicides have been recorded so far. In the last six weeks alone, three women have been killed in the canton of Zurich, according to Tamedia headlines. Femicides are not officially recorded, as the killing of a woman for reasons linked to her gender does not constitute a specific crime. (Basler Zeitung/Berner Zeitung/Der Bund/Tages-Anzeiger)

ENERGY: Thanks to certificates of origin, electricity suppliers can label electricity as “green” without it actually being so, we learn in the Courier. It is impossible to know the exact source of the electricity arriving in the sockets. All of the country’s large suppliers such as Services Industriels de Genève (SIG), Lausanne (SIL), or Romande Energie buy thousands of megawatt hours every day on a vast electricity market, which could be seen as a sort of large swimming pool, filled continuously by different currents from very varied sources, ranging from French nuclear power to German coal via Valais hydraulics.

DRIVING TEST: Wait times for driving test appointments have recently lasted months. It is exceptional that an automobile service does not have any delays, Michael Gehrken, president of the umbrella organization of Swiss driving instructors L-Drive, told the Bernese Tamedia newspapers. The reason is lack of resources. Delays are also noted in vehicle checks. On average, the waiting time for a check-up appointment lasts more than a year throughout Switzerland. (Berner Zeitung/Der Bund).

ENVIRONMENT: Launched three years ago in Morges (VD), the butt harvest now has fans in 14 countries, writes 24 Heures. The challenge launched in the Vaudois city by the “Objectif environment” association has taken on an international dimension to pass the one million mark of waste in ten days. “We translated the website into several languages ​​and contacted schools, associations and businesses. A chain of hotels as well as a large Swiss bank have taken the bait, while several private individuals have launched harvests in around fifteen countries, including Switzerland,” said its promoter Noam Yaron. “In Morges alone, we collected 2,000 in forty minutes on the Place de l’Hôtel-de-Ville. And in , a study calculated that more than 23 billion cigarette butts are thrown away each year.

Birthdays and jubilees

– 5 years ago (2019): the Nobel Prize in physics is awarded to Geneva researchers Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz and to Canadian James Peebles. In 1995, the two Swiss researchers discovered the first planet outside the solar system revolving around a star similar to the Sun, 51 Pegasi. They revolutionized astronomy and founded the field of exoplanet research. Since then, more than 4000 exoplanets have been discovered.

– 20 years ago (2004): death of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, known in particular for his concept of “deconstruction”, that is to say a criticism of the presuppositions of speech. He was born in 1930.

– 20 years ago (2004): death of the Swiss artist Rico Weber, close collaborator of Jean Tinguely and Niki de Saint Phalle, among others. He was born in 1942.

– 30 years ago (1994): birth of Bernese singer Luca Hänni, who represented Switzerland during the 2019 Eurovision contest. He placed fourth with his song “She got me”.

– 75 years ago (1949): birth of American actress Sigourney Weaver (“Alien”).

Saying of the day

“October frost makes the winemaker sober.”

Switzerland weather flash

Time for hours to come – in the blink of an eye!


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