Sign up! The SIPA Ouest- group is today launching the 2025 democracy prize

Sign up! The SIPA Ouest- group is today launching the 2025 democracy prize
Sign up! The SIPA Ouest-France group is today launching the 2025 democracy prize
Caen Memorial, during the 2024 awards ceremony

Memorial, during the 2024 awards ceremony

Credit : ASPDH

What is the Democracy Prize? Launched in 2015 by the Marc Sangnier Institute, this prize, stopped in 2020 due to Covid, was resumed in 2023 by the ASPDH

the association that owns the Sipa group newspapers. Last year, nearly 300 files from all over were sent.The idea is to “celebrate and defend democracy through the multiple citizen initiatives that flourish in our territories”, explains David Guiraud president of the ASPDHwhich recalls the ambitious mission of the non-profit group namely “enlighten, inform and connect citizens to advance the common good while respecting the dignity of each person


The ambition of this prize, “at a time when democracy is attacked from all sides”, is clear: “to defend everything that underpins democracy, starting with free, independent and responsible information. And celebrate it through multiple citizen initiatives that are flourishing near us.

As for the partners, Axelle Davezac, General Director of the Fondation de France, is delighted to see that this prize “will give the winners the opportunity to bring their ideas to build the world of tomorrow.”

Three Prizes throughout France

The 2025 edition is launched in partnership with the Association of Mayors of France, the Fondation de France and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. Three prizes on the program: the Grand Prize for Democracy; the Local Democracy Prize, with the AMF; the Youth Democracy Prize, intended for those under 25, with the Fondation de France. The three winners will be entitled to extensive media coverage from partner media and will each receive a check for €5,000.

What objectives?

Highlight initiatives launched in the following areas: the full exercise of citizenship and freedoms; exchange and pluralistic dialogue between citizens; the promotion of social justice, equal opportunities and the responsibility and freedom of each person; the promotion of solidarity actions in favor of the poorest, the most vulnerable, victims of disasters, oppressed minorities; the promotion of actions favoring the deepening of European construction; the fight against all forms of disinformation, information education…

Who can register and how to register?

Associations, sports clubs, municipalities, citizens from all over France can participate. The detailed content of the prize and the application files can be found on the website and applications will close in February 2025.

The prizes will be officially awarded on June 12, 2025 at the Palais d’Iena, in , in the large amphitheater of the CESE.



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