Manantali: water releases have begun due to the high level of the reservoir, precautions are necessary

Manantali: water releases have begun due to the high level of the reservoir, precautions are necessary
Manantali: water releases have begun due to the high level of the reservoir, precautions are necessary

In a press release made available today, the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS) informs that “since Thursday October 3, 2024, the Manantali reservoir has been filled and the normal management level of 208.05 m IGN has been reached.” Consequently, it informs the populations downstream of the Manantali dam that “water releases have begun due to the high level of the reservoir”. Which according to the source “will lead to a rise in the water level in certain riparian areas of the Senegal River. The Manantali and Felou Exploitation Company (SEMAF) in charge of operating the Manantali dam, in accordance with the operating instructions, had informed, a few days ago, the residents of the downstream watercourses of the dam, through a press release: “that the Manantali reservoir [est] close to its maximum operating level. A consequence, which motivates him to carry out “water releases during the week as soon as the lake level reaches the coast of 208.05 IGN”. Faced with the releases which will raise the water level in certain riparian areas of the Senegal River, the Société d’Exploitation de Manantali et de Felou (SEMAF) has therefore “asked all those whose activity is linked to water to “more caution in the affected areas.” Calling them to this end, “to take all useful precautions”. The cessation of releases will be the subject of a later press release. For some observers, “these releases of water from the Manantali dam risk creating immeasurable damage in the Dande Maayo (left bank of the Senegal River) already plagued by flooding due to floodwaters.”

Pope Moctar Ndiaye




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