URSSAF de l’Hérault will test pre-filled declarations

URSSAF de l’Hérault will test pre-filled declarations
URSSAF de l’Hérault will test pre-filled declarations

In a few days, the few 40,000 RSA beneficiaries (Active solidarity income) and the 98,000 people receiving the activity bonus in Hérault will find, on the CAF website, their quarterly income declaration pre-filled with the data already known from l’Urssaf. Of course, just like on the tax declaration where the known salaries are already indicated, beneficiaries will be able to modify these amounts if necessary before sending their request.

Urssaf is testing pre-filled declarations in four departments

This is what was announced François Hiebel, regional director of Urssaf Languedoc-Roussillon and Damien Ientile, director general of Urssaf national fund since February 2024, present in during a press conference Monday September 30, 2024. The experiment will also be carried out in four other departments : the Pyrénées-Orientales, Vendée, Alpes-Maritimes and Aube.

It is a real simplification reform, the first brick towards solidarity at the source. This first step will be useful to tens of thousands of people from October, then will be generalized throughout the country from March 2025“, enthuses Damien Ientile.

Automatic tests to make social data more reliable

During its 2023-2027 objectives and management convention, Urssaf underlined the importance of reliability of social data.This subject, which appears technical, has an extremely strong human impact because it is the data that we collect that makes it possible to record employee rights, for example for retirement.“, indicates the director general of Urssaf.

“To ensure that there are no anomalies in the nominative social declarations of employers, we put them through a battery of automatic checks – there are 150 today. And the restitution is very rapid : we have a first one after four hours, and a second, more complete one after five days. But our job is also to telephone employers, or write to them, to help them correct these anomalies.indicates Damien Ientile.

Supporting users, a priority for Urssaf

As a reminder, Urssaf collects social contributions from 12 million employers – from the largest companies to individual employers, i.e. more than 500 billion euros per year. For several years, the organization has been offering free support offers such as My first months with Urssaf for new businesses, or My first job, which provide access to personalized advice. A advisory visit can also be requested by any company, a visit which will result in advice and correction of anomalies if necessary, but never with a recovery, specify the two directors.

All these offers will soon be grouped together in a new service, called My Urssaf advice. François Hiebel underlines that Urssaf also does everything possible to be as accessible as possible : the telephone response rate is 92% in the region, “and when a call could not be answered, it is traced and the person is recalled.”



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