Deloitte Belgium, growing, is still looking for 900 people

Deloitte Belgium, growing, is still looking for 900 people
Deloitte Belgium, growing, is still looking for 900 people

“Despite difficult market conditions”, Deloitte Belgium strengthened its position on the market thanks to revenue growth of 4.4% for the delayed financial year 2024 (June 1, 2023 to May 31), the firm communicated on Thursday of consultancy. Its turnover thus stood at 819.4 million euros. The company also aims to recruit 900 people by the end of May.

Regulated activities (Audit & Assurance, Accountancy and Tax & Legal) recorded stronger growth than consulting activities (Consulting, Financial Advisory and Risk Advisory), explains Deloitte. “Against a backdrop of slowing economic growth, persistent inflationary pressures, geopolitical instability and a demanding compliance and reporting environment, it makes sense that regulated activities perform better than others,” comments Rolf Driesen, the CEO of Deloitte Belgium.

Despite the difficult market situation, the Belgian division of the global consulting giant was able to record growth in most sectors, with the exception of Life Sciences and Healthcare. The pace of growth has in fact slowed down there after the exceptional increase recorded during the Covid period, she explains. Deloitte has seen its strongest growth in the energy, resources and industrials sector, where energy and utility providers are transforming their businesses.

The quest for foreign talent

“I currently view the future with cautious optimism. We see growth areas such as ESG, artificial intelligence and data mining. But offering a future perspective to our manufacturing industry remains a point of attention,” said Rolf Driesen. As of May 31, Deloitte had 5,470 employees in Belgium. There are now 5,705. The percentage of women partners increased to 25% (compared to 22% last year), which brings the consultancy office closer to its ambition of 30% women partners by 2030.

The consultancy company recruits both young people leaving school and more experienced professionals. But as young talent becomes scarce due to demographic changes and Deloitte also faces competition in its recruitment policy from banks and industrial companies, for example, it is also looking for foreign talent to complete the Belgian teams.



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