environmentalists mock the gathering of their opponents

environmentalists mock the gathering of their opponents
environmentalists mock the gathering of their opponents

The various groups opposed to the environmentalists’ policy, particularly in terms of developments and transport, have called for the resignation of certain elected officials.

Refusing to go meet them and preferring to take photos of them from the offices, the metropolitan elected officials of Bruno Bernard’s majority thus made fun of the gathering.

For vice-president Jean-Charles Kohlhaas, directly cited by the demonstrators for his lobbying on the Grande rue d’ where he was elected, the participation was pathetic: “A few years apart (with the significant participation of climate marches, editor’s note), this afternoon’s demonstration by opponents from across the metropolis to the policies of the metropolitan majority will not have brought together many people. A handful of excited people who even refused the dialogue that was offered to them”.

The term “handful of excited people” obviously did not get across to those interested, who rushed to let him know on social networks.

While a montage circulated among environmentalists, showing the low participation in the demonstration because the photo was taken at the start of the rally, the barbs followed one another. For the ecologist Matthieu Vieira, “even before the greening projects for Place du Lac, there were already more trees than demonstrators!”

This is unlikely to warm up the already non-existent relations between the various protagonists, nor to improve the reputation of certain vice-presidents of the Metropolis, accused of remaining in their ivory tower and of not taking into consideration the feedback from the ground.




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