the unions want to “set the pace” but expect weak mobilization

the unions want to “set the pace” but expect weak mobilization
the unions want to “set the pace” but expect weak mobilization

The telescoping was not intended. Tuesday 1is October, three unions (the CGT, the FSU, Solidaires) as well as several youth defense movements called for demonstrations and strikes at the very moment when the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, delivered his general policy declaration to the deputies. Originally, they had chosen this date, thinking of giving voice at the very beginning of the examination of the finance bill for 2025 in the National Assembly. But the text was delayed, with the laborious constitution of the new government team, and, in the meantime, the tenant of Matignon chose the same slot as the workers’ representatives to speak.

Read also | Barnier Government: twenty-four hours before his general policy declaration, the Prime Minister announces that he will not seek a vote of confidence

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Never mind ! For the organizations urging the population to take to the streets, the slogans initially imagined remain fully relevant: repeal of the pension reform, increase in wages and pensions, financing of public services, promotion of equality women/men, development of industrial employment… This offensive “is a first signal”declared Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, in a daily interview The Parisian dated Monday September 30: “It’s up to us to set the pace. »

The movement may not be very dynamic if we judge it in terms of its impact on the activity. The SNCF expects a “normal traffic on TGV links”mardi. “Some traffic could be slightly disrupted on certain regional trains (TER, Transilien) as well as certain Intercity connections”specifies the company. The RATP, for its part, assures that there is nothing to report “across the entire network” which it exploits. In primary and secondary schools, the FSU is counting on a “average mobilization”noting that there was “little lift” of the land. Monday evening, Murielle Guilbert, co-general delegate of Solidaires, listed “a little more than 150 places of demonstrations and gatherings” across – around a hundred less, compared to the processions of 1is-May. In , the crowd must set off at the beginning of the afternoon from Place Denfert-Rochereau to head towards the Bastille.

“Wait and see”

If this day of interprofessional action promises to be relatively poorly attended, this is due, in particular, to “wait-and-see” which prevails in the world of work, after the intense battle against pension reform, in 2023, then the multiple initiatives, in June and early July of this year to thwart the arrival of the far right to power, estimates Benoît Teste, general secretary of the FSU. “A form of vagueness has set inhe said. We also perceive a form of disgust with politics. » Ingredients hardly conducive to the opening of power struggles, at this stage, “but it can move very quickly”according to Mr. Teste.

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