Weather alerts for thunderstorms and rain in Senegal, Monday and Tuesday

The National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) of Senegal issued its weather bulletin No. 254 on September 30, 2024. According to ANACIM forecasts, valid from noon on September 30, 2024 to noon on the 1st October 2024, rain-storm events are expected in the southern areas of the country, notably in Kédougou, Kolda, Tambacounda, Bakel, Sédhiou, Ziguinchor and Cap Skirring. In the rest of the territory, the sky will be cloudy to overcast with risks of rain in places, notably in Koungheul, Nioro and Kaffrine.

Due to this heavy cloud cover, the weather will generally be mild over most of the country. However, in the northeastern regions, such as Podor and Matam, temperatures will be relatively high with peaks reaching around 36°C. Visibilities will remain generally good throughout Senegal.

The winds will blow from the west to the southwest, with an intensity ranging from weak to moderate.

Regarding the tides in Dakar, for September 30, 2024, high tides are forecast at 7:45 a.m. with a height of 1.77 m and at 8:10 p.m. with a height of 1.67 m. Low tides are forecast at 1:24 a.m. with a height of 0.77 m and at 2:01 p.m. with a height of 0.70 m. For October 1, 2024, the tide times and heights remain the same as September 30.

ANACIM detailed its forecasts by region. For the Thiès region, including Thiès, Tivaouane and Mbour, hot weather with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 33°C is expected, with weak to moderate westerly winds. In Saint-Louis, including Saint-Louis (Bango) and Dagana, as well as in Louga, Podor and Linguère, hot weather is also expected with temperatures varying between 25°C and 36°C, accompanied by westerly winds. weak to moderate.

For Diourbel and Fatick, hot weather with temperatures ranging from 26°C to 34°C and weak to moderate westerly winds are forecast. In Kaffrine, light rain is expected. In Kaolack, hot weather with temperatures up to 33°C is expected, with light to moderate westerly winds.

In the Tambacounda region, including Tambacounda, Koumpentoum and Bakel, thunderstorms and rain are forecast, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 34°C and light to moderate westerly winds. In Matam, hot weather with temperatures up to 35°C is expected.

Finally, in the regions of Kédougou and Kolda, as well as Ziguinchor and Sédhiou, storms and rain are expected, with temperatures varying between 21°C and 32°C. Winds will be southwest to west, weak to moderate.

All this information is based solely on the official ANACIM bulletin.



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