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Atout Groupe continues its conquest of the West and acquires Morbihan heating in Ploeren

Atout Groupe continues its conquest of the West and acquires Morbihan heating in Ploeren
Atout Groupe continues its conquest of the West and acquires Morbihan heating in Ploeren

Breton leader in the installation and maintenance of heating systems, Atout Groupe continues its growth in with the acquisition of Morbihan Heating, an SME based in Ploeren (56). This company employs seven employees who join the Finistère group.

Over the last four years, Atout Groupe, a Finistère specialist in energy installation and renovation, has finalized eight acquisitions of VSEs/SMEs located mainly in Finistère and Morbihan. Its expansion continues with the acquisition of Morbihan heating, a company based in Ploeren (56). Created in 2012 by Michel Le Mao (who is exercising his retirement rights), this SME employs seven people who will be taken over by the Finistère group. “ The acquisition of Morbihan Heating is part of our external growth strategy. Atout Groupe aims to continue this acquisition dynamic to strengthen its historic positioning in Brittany and respond to the challenges of global energy renovation in the region. », declares Stéphane Abjean, president of Atout Groupe, which divides its activity into two entities: Atout Habitat for professionals and Atout Energie for individuals.

This latest acquisition concerns the Atout Énergie entity, bringing it to 60 employees and an activity volume of 7 million euros in turnover. Overall, Atout Groupe (the two subsidiaries combined) which employs 420 employees and achieves 45 million euros in turnover in 2024.

Train to harmonize development

Last June, Atout Groupe inaugurated its internal training center, after an investment of nearly 2 million euros. Named Atout Formation, this training center becomes the unifying and driving tool to harmonize the development of Atout Groupe. « By evolving in a sector where innovation is significant and the challenges are high, this training center has become essential to support the skills of our employees, and encourage the integration of new people, even unqualified, by offering them a path dedicated », underlines Isabelle Séité, general manager of Atout Groupe who then announced that she wanted to continue its conquest in the West and notably approach the Côtes d’Armor department. Development to follow.



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