Charlotte Dufour miss diamondissime -Pas-de-: roundness in the spotlight – 09/30/2024

Charlotte Dufour miss diamondissime -Pas-de-: roundness in the spotlight – 09/30/2024
Charlotte Dufour miss diamondissime Nord-Pas-de-Calais: roundness in the spotlight – 09/30/2024

« Almost 40 years old, a size 48 and miss! “, here’s how Charlotte Dufour likes to introduce himself. Since February 2024, this native of Grande-Synthe (59) has been Miss Diamantissime -Pas-de-. A competition in which she chose to participate for the values ​​it advocates: self-acceptance, the fight against harassment and against fatphobia. “ This committee really allows us to bring positive things to this harsh world. “, she explains.

Indeed, To participate in the competition, only one rule: make a size larger than 44. For the rest, no criteria. A way of calling into question so-called beauty contests classics », of which many parameters are taken into account and to the letter. Note that an equivalence exists among men. To hope to become Mister Diamantissime, you must be a size 42 or larger.

On November 2, Charlotte Dufour will compete at the national level for the title of Miss Diamantissime 2024 in . Several paintings will be offered there, such as business attire, swimsuits and even evening dresses. To attend, you will need take his place quickly.



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