Saint-Prex: 1.4 million to secure the Vieux-Moulin

Saint-Prex: 1.4 million to secure the Vieux-Moulin
Saint-Prex: 1.4 million to secure the Vieux-Moulin

The Vieux-Moulin will be secure

The cultural and sports center will undergo security work, budgeted at nearly 1.4 million francs.


Published today at 3:53 p.m.

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What would happen if a fire devoured the Vieux-Moulin cultural and sports center in Saint-Prex? This is, in short, the question that the Municipality asked itself by submitting a notice to the Municipal Council to finance the security, maintenance and upgrading of this emblematic space of the social life of the town.

Meeting on Wednesday evening, the municipal councilors unanimously decided to grant a loan of 1,390,900 francs to undertake the work.

In fact, it was judged that some adaptations should be made to the existing evacuation routes. The widening of a door on the west side of the gymnasium will thus increase the number of people in the premises and the installation of a fire curtain in the foyer will preserve the functionality of the ground floor. These two modifications were validated by the ECA.

The second part of the notice, which concerns maintenance and renovations, provides for expenses linked to aging and wear, to upgrades or, to a lesser extent, to aesthetic considerations.

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